The mystery of Donald J. Trump
Regardless of one’s views on Donald Trump, it’s hard to ignore the singular focus with which his political enemies have tried to destroy him. The question is: why? Yesterday, it…
Read MoreDoes abortion really help to expand our workforce?
The headline exposes how ludicrous our conversations in the public square have become. Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand tweeted out the following: Growing our workforce is one of Iowa’s biggest…
Read MorePulse reacts to Trump’s abortion statement
Here is Donald Trump’s abortion statement released Monday: “Under my leadership, the Republican Party will always support the creation of strong, thriving and healthy American families. We want to make…
Read MoreForthright deceit
Presidents often use hyperbole on the stump. But at Thursday night’s 2024 State of the Union speech, the President went far beyond exaggeration in an address brazen in its…
Read MoreThe medical discrimination of disabled children
By Ryan Paul Buck Disabled children are being discriminated against, and many can’t see it. Three days after my son Alexander was born we received his diagnosis, Trisomy-18. The doctor…
Read MoreHere’s what Governor DeSantis said at the Pulse Gala
Pulse Life Advocates was honored to have Florida Governor and presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis, speak at our Christmas Gala in November. With the Iowa Caucuses upon us this Monday night,…
Read MoreHere’s what Trump said about abortion at last night’s Fox town hall
Rebecca, a mom of six from Ogden, Iowa, asked this question of Donald Trump at last night’s Fox town hall event at the Iowa Event Center (where Pulse held their…
Read MoreThe mysterious politics of abortion
The politics of abortion works against Republicans, goes the mantra this campaign cycle. Pundits all assert the pro-choice position is a winning issue, THE single issue upon which Democrats should…
Read MoreWhat Nikki Haley could learn from Abraham Lincoln
“You have to be honest with the American people. Slavery is a personal issue. I am unapologetically pro-emancipation for the slaves. But we have to acknowledge that the courts have…
Read MoreVote Pro-Life in tomorrow’s Mayor race
The Des Moines mayor’s race will be determined by the abortion issue. As we’ve written before, candidate Josh Mandelbaum has made abortion a central issue of his campaign, promoting an…
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