Natural Family Planning Methods
There are multiple methods of Natural Family Planning. Each NFP method is focused on one or more signs of female fertility.
They can be grouped into three categories:
The Cervical Mucus Methods (CMM)
These methods use the careful observation and charting of a woman’s daily cervical mucus as the primary biological marker to determine days of fertility and infertility. CMMs are also commonly called "Ovulation Methods" (OM). There are a number of methods that use this approach to NFP:
- Creighton Model FertilityCare System –
- FEMM Health –
- Billings Ovulation Method –
- Family of America’s Foundation Method –
Sympto-Thermal Methods (STM)
These methods rely on the careful observation and daily charting of multiple fertility signs and cross-checking two or more of the signs to pinpoint ovulation. The biological markers used to determine days of fertility and infertility include cervical mucus, Basal Body Temperature (BBT), and cervical changes. STM is over 99% effective!
The methods that utilize this approach include:
- SymptoPro Fertility Education –
- Couple-to-Couple League –
Sympto-Hormonal Methods (SHM)
These methods rely on the observation and daily charting of cervical mucus with the addition of also using an at-home electronic fertility monitor or ovulation predictor kit to measure a woman’s reproductive hormone levels. The primary method using this approach is:
- Marquette Model –
NFP Resources
Helpful Books and Documents
- Adam and Eve after the Pill - Mary Eberstadt
- Amoris Laetitia - Pope Francis
- The Contraception Deception - Patrick Coffin
- Familiaris Consortio - Pope St. John Paul II,
- Good News about Sex and Marriage – Christopher West
- Holy Sex! - Dr. Gregory Popcak
- Humanae Vitae - Pope St. Paul VI
- Life-Giving Love - Kimberly Hahn
- Men and Women are from Eden – Mary Healy
- Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love - Dr. Edward Sri
- Sign of Contradiction - Anthony Digmann
- The Sinner’s Guide to NFP – Simcha Fischer
- A Theology of the Body - Pope St. John Paul II
- Theology of the Body for Beginners - Christopher West
- Why Humanae Vitae is Still Right - Dr. Janet Smith
- - Dr. Janet Smith
Instructors / Providers
Read real stories from couples who have used NFP
Abby Johnson on contraception and NFP
How to promote NFP
- Adam and Eve after the Pill - Mary Eberstadt