NFP is Effective
This is not your mother's rhythm method! Modern methods of NFP are rooted in a solid scientific understanding of the variations in fertility throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle which is key to managing pregnancy.
When learned and used consistently, these methods have been shown to be 95-99.5% effective for avoiding pregnancy(depending on the method).
And better yet, practicing NFP can also successfully aid couples who wish to achieve pregnancy.
Yes, NFP really works! In the case of avoiding pregnancy, NFP has a 99.8% effective rate. That’s a better effective rate than medical contraception.
Effectiveness of varying forms of contraception...
- NFP - 99.8%
- Condoms - 81%
- Diaphram - 82%
- That T thing - 97%
- Birth control pill 1 - 96%
- Birth control pill 2 - 96%
- Birth control pill 3 - 98%
- Birth control pill 4 - 97%
NFP also works in assisting couples that wish to get pregnant. Millions of couples struggling to get pregnant have found success with NFP.
- Manhart, M., and Duane, M., et al. “Fertility awareness-based methods of family planning: A review of effectiveness for avoiding pregnancy using SORT.” Osteopathic Family Physician 5,1 (2013): 2-8.
- Pallone, S, Bergus, G. (2009). "Fertility awareness-based methods: another option for family planning." The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 22(2).
- Scarpa, B., Dunson, D., and Colombo, B. (2006). "Cervical mucus secretions on the day on intercourse: an accurate marker of highly fertile days." Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 125.
- Stanford, J, Lemaire, J, and Thurman, P. (1998). "Women’s interest in Natural Family Planning." The Journal of Family Practice, 46(1).
- Frank-Hermann, P., Heil, J., Gnoth, C., Toldeo, E., Pyper, C., Jenetzky, E., Strowitzki, T., Baur, S. (2007). "The Effectiveness of a fertility awareness-based method to avoid pregnancy in relation to a couple’s sexual behavior during the fertile time: a prospective longitudinal study." Human Reproduction, 22(5).