For Immediate Release: Statement on Dobbs Ruling
Today is the day we ended the federal abortion law, and Roe vs. Wade was finally and completely overturned.
After nearly 50 years, we are righting an egregious wrong. A wrong to the magnitude of slavery and the Holocaust. The scourge of abortion has plagued our country for half a century and in its wake the death of 65 million of our preborn brothers and sisters.
No more. We are righting the wrong, we are correcting our course, and we are marching full steam ahead.
Iowans for LIFE, now Pulse Life Advocates has been working for 50 years in Iowa to see this day come true. The longest-standing, state-wide, pro-life organization in Iowa has now seen the biggest victory ever. I thank God for the founders of this organization and the years of relentless battle to get us to where we are today.
We will continue to work. But with this ruling, it has given us the hope and encouragement and renewed motivation to fight harder and work more.
Tomorrow the work begins in a post-Roe society. Abortion law will return to the individual states, and here in Iowa, we will continue to educate on the need for our Protect Life Amendment and pass legislation to eliminate abortion.
For More Information Contact:
Maggie DeWitte, Executive Director Pulse Life Advocates (formerly Iowans for LIFE)
1450 E. 33rd St. Des Moines, Iowa 50325
Pulse Life Advocates, formerly Iowans for LIFE, is the longest-standing, state-wide, pro-life organization in Iowa. We have been advocating for life since 1972. Our mission is to educate on the sanctity of human life from fertilization to natural death. We are an ecumenical, nonpartisan, nonprofit 501c (3) tax-exempt organization.