An irreconcilable clash of values
The power structure of the country has been squarely pitted against ‘the little guy’ for much of this century. But who is the little guy? It depends on your view of the power structure.
One view posits a conflict between oppressors and their victims, while another sees it as a conflict between the protected class vs. the unprotected class.
People who hold the first view are concerned with issues of fairness and what they are owed by their country. They see the victims through the lens of skin color, gender, and reproductive freedom. The good guys are Blacks, women, Democrats, illegal immigrants, LGBTQIA+, Palestinians, Planned Parenthood, and the like.
The bad guys
The bad guys are Republicans (especially MAGA), Whites (especially white men), Catholics, Evangelical Christians, pro-lifers, babies in the womb (who are a threat to their mother’s reproductive freedom), and Jews.
They espouse and promote a philosophy called DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, although they oppose diverse thought and inclusion of any sort that involves any of the ‘bad’ guys listed above). They embrace Marxism to achieve ‘equity.’
People who hold the latter view embrace individual rights, but not special rights. They bristle when laws are applied unequally, providing legal advantage to groups based on superficial characteristics, such as skin color and gender, as opposed to merit and the content of one’s character.
The people who hold the latter view embrace the founding principals of America which identify God-given, immutable rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. In their eyes, the bad guys aren’t those of a particular race, color, or creed as much as those who violate their individual liberties. Pro-lifers fall into this latter category, as abortion denies to the unborn these immutable rights ascribed to each human being.
The former believe the Constitution and our nation’s laws need to be worked around and ignored to achieve their vision of justice in the pursuit of making up for past grievances. They believe in a group-quota regime to accomplish their vision of social justice. In other words, they want American to cease being America.
The latter believe justice should be dispensed on a color-blind basis, that justice be based on the Constitution and democratically-enacted legislation. Let’s call it American justice.
Two sets of values
You can see the problem. We have two sets of values.
One is a contradiction of the other. There is no common ground. They are irreconcilable.
We see the disconnect even within the Catholic Church, which espouses seven social justice teachings. Many liberal Catholics reject the first social justice teaching, which presents abortion as antithetical to the life and dignity of the human person.
This month’s election was a win for the unprotected class, the little guy, especially the unborn. For now, the radical slate of pro-abortion laws proposed by the Democratic Party has been stalled.
A sobering analysis
But the war for America’s soul will continue. The Claremont Institute’s Tom Klingenstein offers a sobering read on our plight:
“America is now run by unelected bureaucrats, virtually all of whom are soldiers of the enemy regime. The destructive Left seeks to destroy our history, religion, the traditional family, and the nation state. Without a nation state there can be no freedom.
The upshot of all this is that one party wants to destroy America while the other party is not willing to defend her. Republicans will not defend America until they realize that America requires defending. Trump’s victory must not let us become complacent. The group quota regime still controls most of our major institutions, which are overwhelmingly woke.”
We end where we began. The little guy, the unborn, the unprotected class, has been under unprecedented siege since the first decade of the 21st century. American justice demands the recognition of their innate dignity. Our very freedom must be predicated on American justice for all.
[Our Christmas Gala is almost here! Can’t make it? Tune in Saturday night at 7PM for our livestream on Facebook and our website homepage.]