Announcing the publication of our new book!
Pulse Life Advocates is proud to announce the publication of our new book, “THE PRO-LIFE BLOGGER, the daily diary of Pulse Life Advocates.”
Pro-Life Trench Warfare
Rank and file pro-lifers are often unaware of the daily battles fought by Pulse Life Advocates in the pro-life arena.
That’s why we publish a blog on our website. The blog serves as a newsletter to keep you informed of pro-life successes and setbacks in protecting our unborn brothers and sisters. It offers human stories, faith insights, political maneuverings, and cultural clashes impacting life issues.
The Pro-Life Blogger presents a curated collection of the best of our blog posts over the dramatic sweep of the past seven years.
What a Ride It Has Been!
We live in the most volatile period in our nation’s history with the overturning of Roe v Wade. Our victory was great. The work needed to be done now is tremendous. Forces are at work attempting to reverse all of our gains. Pulse serves as your bulwark against these pro-death forces.
Where to purchase THE PRO-LIFE BLOGGER
You can order directly from Pulse for an even $20 per book. We’ll mail it to your doorstep. Here in Des Moines, you can also purchase a copy at Divine Treasures Catholic Book & Gift Store located at 5701 Hickman Road. Tell them Pulse sent you!
We encourage you to buy at least two copies, as they make wonderful Christmas gifts.
Do you have a student in the family? They’ll appreciate reading it. The prose is clear, straight forward, and lively. We’ve sprinkled in enough data to back up our pro-life arguments without bogging our readers down in unnecessary minutiae.
At our recent Christmas Gala, our keynote speaker, Dr. John Bruchalski, was impressed with our new book. He held up a copy and said:
“It takes a real pro-life commitment for an organization to pull off a project like THE PRO-LIFE BLOGGER.”
It WAS a big project. We hope you love every single one of its 188 pages, and we think you will!
Some chapters, such as “Hollywood Sex Strike Roils America,” will make you laugh.
Some, like “Would You Sell Your Soul For An Abortion?” will make you cry.
Some, like “The Triumph of the Covington Kid,” will leaving you cheering.
And some, like “Abortion’s Impact On Music,” will open your eyes to the long, toxic tentacles of abortion on our culture.
You need to read this book from cover-to-cover for a broad grasp on just how pernicious the Roe v Wade decision has been to a nation built on a creed that claims each person has a fundamental Right to Life.
But it’s a book where you can skip around and read it out of sequence without missing a beat. In other words, this is a user-friendly read.
And it is a must-read for everyone who hates what abortion is doing to our communities. It is especially a must-read for your friends and family members who are ambivalent on the subject of abortion. This book will open their eyes. THE PRO-LIFE BLOGGER will dispel the many misconceptions promoted by the fraudulent main-stream media.
Buy more than one copy
Many of the most important people in your life have NEVER been exposed to the facts and reasoning presented by this honest presentation of the pro-life issue.
Abortion is a messy, but profitable business for Big Abortion. It is built upon one lie after another.
THE PRO-LIFE BLOGGER provides you with a tangible tool to do your part to promote a culture of life and fight back against the evil of human abortion.
To recap:
THE PRICE: $20 per copy.
HOW TO BUY A COPY IN PERSON: Divine Treasures Catholic Book & Gift Store, 5701 Hickman Road, Des Moines, IA 50310
Change the world! Buy two, three, even four copies of THE PRO-LIFE BLOGGER today!