Pete Buttigieg blocked pro-life pregnancy center

Pete ButtigiegBig Abortion opposes authentic women’s reproductive healthcare. Democratic presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg, made that clear when put to the test as mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

As mayor, he single-handedly blocked an authentic women’s healthcare center from locating in a prime location in South Bend.  The pro-life Women’s Care Center (WCC) wanted to locate a new clinic next to the Whole Women’s Health clinic, an abortion clinic. WCC believes in offering women a ‘choice.’

The mayor denied the choice. The tie-breaking vote came down to him, and he voted no to the free, life-affirming services offered to South Bend women by WCC. These services include:

  • free pregnancy tests
  • ultrasounds
  • counseling
  • referrals for prenatal care
  • parenting classes
  • children clothing, diapers and toys (helping moms AFTER the baby is born)

He said YES to abortion (no need for the clothing, diapers, and toys, because the child is dead).

By the same token, Planned Parenthood just rejected Title X funding, which are government monies that provide healthcare services to young and poor women. Planned Parenthood took a pass because abortion services are no longer covered by Title X under the Trump administration.

Planned Parenthood thrives on the profits generated by human abortion. The windfall they receive from Title X won’t cover the money they’d lose by giving up their abortion business. And make no mistake, abortion is big business.

That’s why Big Abortion donates so prolifically to politicians like Pete Buttigieg. Do those donations have anything to do with his decision to block a pro-life crisis pregnancy like Women’s Care Center? 

We can learn three things from this little story:

  1. Abortion is all about the money.
  2. Abortion-supporting politicians aren’t really concerned with women’s reproductive health.
  3. Nor do they care about the baby after she’s born.