Announcing The HOLY FAMILY Project
Dear Iowans for LIFE Supporter:
Iowans for LIFE is going big. And we need your help now to make it happen. I’d like to introduce you to one of the biggest projects we’ve ever taken on:
We’re developing an entire pro-life series wrapped around the primacy of the family unit. As Saint John Paul the Great said:
“As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.”
Here’s the reality: the family structure is crumbling. Dads aren’t present in the home. Single mothers struggle to cope with parenting their children alone. Each new pregnancy feels like a crisis, which makes abortion look like the only way out.
It doesn’t have to be like this.
Everything about families is good. As Monsignor Frank Chiodo told us,
“the Holy Family is the ‘soul’ solution for a wounded world.”
We like this line so much that we’ve asked Msgr. Chiodo to collaborate on this project with us and help put a spotlight on the beauty of holy families. In fact, we’re going to use his line as a recurring theme.
Here’s how we plan to roll out this 3-pronged project:
Live talk
Monsignor Chiodo will be the keynote speaker at our November 20th IFL Christmas Gala at the Ron Pearson Event Center. He’ll talk about the life-giving nature of a holy family and set the stage for the 4-part Advent series that follows.
Advent Radio Series
Monsignor Chiodo, IFL Board President, Tom Quiner, and myself will host a 4-week Advent series on Iowa Catholic Radio where we’ll dig deeper into the hope that awaits holy families. You’ll hear nationally known guests join us to consider spiritual and worldly strategies to be better parents, grandparents, and children. Ultimately, the pro-life message resonates most powerfully when the family unit is considered to be a sacred creation, not just a secular convenience.
Here’s where things get really exciting. We’re producing this 4-part series as a polished webinar presentation worthy of cable prime-time to expand our audience exponentially. Where our banquet can reach hundreds of people and radio can reach thousands, a webinar can reach tens of thousands. Maybe more over time.
Iowans for LIFE needs your financial support now to help us create the absolutely best project possible.
Families break down when men force girl friends and wives to abort. They unravel when they’re not active participants in the parenting of the children they bring into this world.
Families break down when women come to view the gift of reproduction as a curse.
And when families break down, pain and suffering follows. Always. Often, abortion is involved.
To promote a pro-life message, Iowans for LIFE has to reach people where they’re at
Sometimes it’s a live event. I speak all over the state throughout the year before live audiences (sadly, that was curtailed last year).
Sometimes it’s on the radio. We are fortunate to have a pro-life radio station like Iowa Catholic Radio willing to partner with us on this project.
But sometimes, we need to go even bigger with a webinar that smashes through the barriers imposed by the culture of death. Although we have built a large social media footprint on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, they make it hard for us to go to the next level.
One of our associates is connected with a high-ranking Facebook executive who acknowledges that for the foreseeable future, pro-life groups will continue to be blocked from boosting pro-life messages beyond existing followers.
In fact, they just rejected our request to promote our first “What do you say?” Pro-Life Apologetics video.
That’s why this Holy Family Project is such a big deal
We’ll create a polished, professional webinar and promote it aggressively with a digital advertising campaign to reach our largest audience ever.
A 4-part Holy Family Webinar lets us reach more people where they’re at to help us change hearts and minds on dignity of life issues.
If you know people in Davenport, Fort Dodge, Storm Lake, and Sioux City who need an inspiring pro-life, pro-family message, the Holy Family project is for them.
IFL wants to blast this programming to Dubuque, Cherokee, Clinton, Atlantic, and Council Bluffs and even beyond our borders.
But producing professional, inspiring programming takes a serious financial investment.
If you want to make your state a better place to live, I am asking you to donate to the Holy Family Project fund today.
We’re at war
I’m sure you see that our great country is engaged in an internal war that is part cultural, part political, and very much spiritual warfare. The anti-life side controls one political party, the media, our universities, public education, and our entertainment industrial complex.
Iowans for LIFE fights back on behalf of the unborn with a form of guerrilla marketing warfare. The Holy Family is just the latest project in a dynamic slate of programs we’ve launched within the last twelve months.
Other IFL projects
You saw our "Black Voices on Black Live” series that ran during Black History Month which talked about the impact abortion has on the Black community. Funny how the mainstream media never covers stories like this one.
We offered a Respect Life Novena at the start of Lent. Our new “What would you say?” Pro-Life Apologetics video series has just launched on social media. And for good measure, I’ve been camped out at the capital for much of this legislative session testifying on behalf of pending pro-life legislation.
Now I’m asking for your financial support to fund the Holy Family Project. An undertaking of this breadth requires professional polish and an artistic presentation to attract a statewide audience and keep them coming back for all four installments.
IFL needs big and small donations
Frankly, I am hoping a few people receiving this letter can underwrite this project with gifts of $5000 or more.
But every single gift counts, whether if it’s $500, $100, or $50. No gift is too small.
Iowans for LIFE wants to light a candle in a dark world for young people to see the beauty and promise of becoming a holy family. THE “Holy Family” is our model. We want to encourage moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, and aunts and uncles, that a family is a beautiful thing to behold.
In fact, IFL hopes that families watch The Holy Family together. We’re hard at work on this project as I write. But it won’t happen without your financial support.
Help Iowans for LIFE light a candle smack dab in the middle of this cultural battlefield.
Help us stand up for the sanctity of life and family. Simply go to and make your donation by credit card right now.
I thank you in advance for your support.
Maggie DeWitte
Executive Director | (515) 201-8281
[Support The HOLY FAMILY Project today!]
P.S. Just for fun, we want to host a dance this summer for our Iowa pro-life community at the Jasper Winery. Mark your calendar for Friday, July 23rd!
I was hoping to be involved this evening with a webinar re: family life. But this is all I received. Joan Gubbels
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