Jane Fonda apologizes; Gavin Newsom doesn’t
Pro-abortion apologies are a rarity. But Jane Fonda made one yesterday. As we reported, in an appearance on The View, Ms. Fonda glibly suggested that if the pro-abortion crowd can’t win legislative battles anymore, murder is the next logical step.
We gave Ms. Fonda the benefit of the doubt and assumed she spoke hyperbolically, which she acknowledged:
“While women’s reproductive rights are a very serious issue and extremely important to me, my comment on The View was obviously made in jest. My body language and tone made it clear to those in the room – and to anyone watching – that I was using hyperbole to make a point.”
When you have pro-abortion zealots attacking churches and pro-life women resource centers and attempting to assassinate an anti-Roe Supreme Court justice, clearly subtlety is lost on some. That’s why Fonda’s crack was so horrific.
Nonetheless, she apologized. However, she did not apologize for something else she said, which seems to have gone unnoticed:
“We’re not going back, I don’t care what the laws are. We’re not going back.” [Emphasis ours.]
Our communities are unravelling because an increasing number of people don’t care what the laws are. Violence is spiraling out of control in major cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and New York, cities that embrace abortion rights as if they are a sacrament, which brings us to Gavin Newsom.
Gavin Newsom tries to shut down Walgreens
Thanks to the efforts of Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, Walgreens won’t be distributing the RU-486 abortion pill in their Iowa stores. Ms. Bird was joined by other pro-life AGs in keeping the abortion pill off Walgreen shelves in their respective states.
California Governor, Gavin Newsom, is enraged by Bird’s actions and Walgreens’ assent to keep RU-486 off of its shelves. He calls for retribution:
“California won’t be doing business with @walgreens—or any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women’s lives at risk.”
Perhaps the good governor doesn’t realize that Mifeprex (RU-486) puts women’s lives at risk. Its label admits it:
“Although cramping and bleeding are an expected part of ending a pregnancy, rarely, serious and potentially life-threatening bleeding, infections, or other problems can occur following a miscarriage, surgical abortion, medical abortion, or childbirth … Serious infection has resulted in death.”
How many deaths? Twenty-eight, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Another 4213 women experienced ‘adverse events;’ another 1048 women were hospitalized (but didn’t die); 604 experienced so much blood loss that they required transfusions; and 414 suffered severe infections.
So, to be clear, it is the abortion pill that puts women’s lives at risk, NOT Walgreens, which is simply abiding by state laws. And that’s what gripes abortion zealots like Jane Fonda and Gavin Newsom. They think abortion should be above the law.
The Wall Street Journal editorialized in defense of Walgreens:
“Walgreens last week drew the fury of the abortion left when it said it wouldn’t distribute the drug in some 20 states out of legal caution. This includes several states where abortion is legal, but retail pharmacies aren’t allowed to dispense the drug directly to patients. Pharmacists who violate the state laws can be punished with prison.
Enter Mr. Newsom, who on Monday vowed to bar Walgreens from doing business with the state, including potentially its vast Medicaid business unless it violated other state abortion laws. Walgreens responded that it “plans to dispense mifepristone in any jurisdiction where it is legally permissible to do so” and “consistent with federal and state laws.”
Don’t expect any more pro-abortion apologies
Governor Newsom doesn’t care. He intends to use the financial clout of his state to club businesses into submission who refuse to dispense the dangerous abortion pill.
Pulse Life Advocates applauds Iowa AG Brenna Bird for keeping this poison off the shelves in Iowa. She need make no apologies for her good work in keeping Iowa women safer. On the other hand, Gavin Newsom and Jane Fonda have much to apologize for in their call to ignore abortion laws, but don’t expect any pro-abortion apologies to be forthcoming any time in the near future.