The Harris’ anti-inflation plan will increase inflation AND abortion

Harris anti-inflation plan

Pro-life groups don’t typically talk about inflation or the economy. But Pulse Life Advocates isn’t your typical pro-life group. Inflation and the economy factor into why women have abortions. The Kamala Harris anti-inflation plan won’t work, because it’s been tried before, and the damage it does to pocket books will increase abortion. How do we know? Because it happened before.

What is the Harris anti-inflation plan? Price controls.

As Vice President, Ms. Harris was charged by President Biden to explore “root causes” of why people are fleeing their home countries for the U.S.

Ms. Harris might have missed it, but Venezuelan dictator, Nicolás Maduro, is a big proponent of government-mandated price controls. As a result of these policies, Venezuelan’s are fleeing the country in droves, many crossing into the U.S. illegally to escape the economic ruin wrought by price controls that produced hyper inflation.

According to left-leaning National Public Radio, Venezuela has lost a quarter of their population, roughly 7 million people, since 2015. Why would Kamala Harris propose a plan that has been consistently discredited?

She claims that corporations caused inflation by price-gouging and sheer greed. This makes no sense, since inflation remained low under the previous administration, who left behind an inflation rate of 1.4% when they left office in January, 2021. Today, it is double that, having peaked at 9% in 2022.

Inflation was caused by profligate Congressional spending, signed with great fanfare by President Biden.

Today, working class families spend 20 to 30 percent more for food and energy than under the previous administration. Price controls are the worst way to tackle inflation, and in fact, only makes things worse in the long run.

Richard Nixon tried them in the early 70s and they failed then. He enacted them in 1971 when inflation was 5.3%. By 1980, the rate peaked at 13.9 percent and remained high until 1983 when rates finally began to come back down to earth, reaching a low of 1.5% in 1987.

This issue matters to pro-lifers …

… because 74% of women surveyed by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute said a main reason for procuring an abortion was because “I can’t afford a baby right now.”

Inflation taxes people with every single purchase. Essentially, it is a government-induced pay cut, because paychecks don’t go as far.

Sadly, many people choose to abort their babies out of financial concerns.

That’s why Pulse tracks economic and fiscal policies.

Abortion exploded in the price-controlled, inflationary 1970s. Granted, Roe v Wade was decided in 1973. But from 1973 on, abortion rates increased from 16.3 (per one-thousand women aged 15 to 44) to a peak of 29.3 in 1981, about the same time inflation peaked. A steady abortion rate decline began as prosperity returned in the low-tax, low-regulation era that followed.

If you couple the Harris abortion plan with her economic plan, her administration will usher in an era of abortion spikes that rivals the 1970s.