A tremendous 2024 Iowa State Fair!
Dear Fellow Pro-Lifer: I’m proud to proclaim this year’s 2024 Iowa State Fair an unqualified success!
Did you stop by our booth?
People noticed our colorful new display from far away. It stood higher and prouder than the old, worn out set-up we’ve been using the past decade. It was a big investment for Pulse, but worth it.
Help fund our new display booth: donate now
It made a difference! Crowds were huge at our booth. We handed out 7500 twelve-week babies before running out! These models reveal the humanity of the unborn to youngsters and help form a pro-life perspective. You can see how kids react to them in the pic above.
We totally lost count on how many kid tattoos we applied. We were simply swamped, which is the way we like it.
Regarding our pro-life petition calling for life-at-conception legislation: 1577 people signed it!
And here’s what you’re really waiting to hear about: What are the results of our poll asking, “When Does Life Begin?”
- 3,964 Conception (85%)
- 246 At Birth (5%)
- 240 Heartbeat (5%)
- 111 Viability (3%)
- 77 Brain Waves (2%)
Support our pro-life outreach: donate now
The overwhelming majority of Iowa voters agreed with Pulse’s position, that human life begins at conception, that is, when the sperm kisses an egg.
But we still have work to do, as fifteen percent remain clueless as to the scientific and religious underpinnings of our position.
The Iowa State Fair remains one of our most important pro-life educational outreach events.
We made great progress this year! And our bright, new booth was a tremendous asset. We anticipate years of service out of this investment. Could you help us defray the cost with your gift today? It would really help!
People were blown away by our new look. Here are few comments:
“Loved the new booth! Very Nice!” Michelle
“Loved the new set-up!” Becky
Check out more 2024 Iowa State Fair pics here. Thanks for all your support!
Maggie DeWitte, Executive Director
P.S. If you’re able, can you donate a few dollars to help us fund our new display? We’ll be using it again next month at the Christ Our Life Conference.