Respect Life Novena Day Two Prayer
Saint Elizabeth Seton,
you knew the beauty of all human life
when you carried a child in your womb
and when, as a young widow,
a teacher, and founder of the Sisters of Charity,
you sought to live the Gospel of Life.
Inspire us, intercede for us, and be with us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
You know the cry of a little child;
Inspire us to protect the littlest and most vulnerable.
You known the searching of the adolescent;
Open our eyes to the wonder of their lives.
You know the journey of the dying;
Be with us as we journey toward death with those whom we love.
You know the pain of the widow;
Inspire to us to seek out those who are most in need.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory to the Father …
Check back tomorrow for our Day Three Prayer. And thank-you for supporting the cause of Life with your prayers.
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