The challenge of pro-life messaging

A message from Maggie DeWitte

Maggie DeWitte

Maggie DeWitte, Executive Director of Iowans for LIFE

Dear Pro-Life Supporter: 

Big Media makes it hard to promote pro-life messaging. You can help us work around the obstacles by making monthly, automatic donations to Iowans for LIFE billboard campaign.

Even if it’s only $5 a month, it matters. A hundred-dollars a month is even better!  We leverage every dollar, every penny, in fact, to maximize our media reach in Iowa … and YOUR investment in LIFE.

Look at the billboard banned at Times Square

pro-life messaging

I’m writing because of what just happened to Live Action. They contracted to run the billboard above at Times Square, New York City. Talk about exposure! But a day later, the billboard company bowed to Big Abortion and took this pro-life message down, deeming it “inappropriate.”

This comes on the heels of Pinterest entirely banning Live Action from their platform.

We’ve had our own battles with social media. Facebook prevents us from promoting our most potent pro-life messages by declaring they don’t “meet community standards.” For example, here is one of our memes that wasn’t approved:

pro-life messaging

Support our pro-life billboard campaign

Despite the obstacles, Iowans for LIFE is on track to have our Facebook messaging hit a “reach” of a million people this year.

So social media platforms matter when it comes to pro-life messaging.  Iowans for LIFE focuses on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. But because of anti-life censorship, we’ve got to reach further.

That’s why we designed and launched a pro-life billboard campaign across the Hawkeye State. We reach 39,632 Iowans a day between Council Bluffs, Ames, Des Moines, Cedar Falls, and Waterloo with messaging like this.

Iowans for Life

You can view our entire #SayLifeIowa campaign here.

Iowa billboard companies are friendly to our pro-life messaging which counters Planned Parenthood’s anti-life billboard campaign. We coordinated the campaign with the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders.

As the next political campaign gears up, social media platforms have made it clear that they are increasingly hostile to pro-life messaging. That means Iowans for LIFE has got to step up the pace by reaching at-risk Iowans with educational pro-life messaging.

Online messaging remains critical

So does our presence at the Iowa State Fair. And so do our pilgrimages to the annual March for Life with hundreds of high school kids.

Billboards expand our reach. Our campaign will end soon unless we can find the funds to extend it through this calendar year.

Pro-life messaging works

Did you know that 10,022 abortions took place in Iowa in 1997?

Did you know that the number dropped to 3,269 by 2017?

How is that possible? Non-stop pro-life messaging that educates Iowans on the dignity of human life is one of many key components.

That’s why I’m writing. Support the campaign that helps reduce our abortion rate to zero. A single abortion is one too many.

To reiterate, we ask you to support this campaign with an ongoing automatic, monthly donation of $100, $50, or $20.

Thank-you in advance for partnering with Iowans for LIFE as we cultivate a culture of life in Iowa.

Very truly yours,

Maggie DeWitte, Executive Director

P.S. Questions? Give me a call today at 515-255-4113.