Did you get your invitation?

Dear Pro-Lifer:

You should have gotten your invitation to our November 18th Christmas Gala in the mail.

I encourage you to reserve your table or seat soon. Tickets are going fast.  This is the biggest buzz we’ve ever seen!

Casey & Ron DeSantis

Pro-lifers are excited to hear Governor Ron and Casey DeSantis talk about why they are pro-life, and what they’re doing to raise pro-life children.

In addition, Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird and CEO of The Family Leader will share their insights on being pro-life.

And let’s face it, everyone loves our Christmas Galas, complete with great food, music and fun.

What better way to spend a Saturday night than hanging with a crowd of pro-lifers!

This is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Your presence matters to the future success of our pro-life educational outreach in Iowa.

Click here now to buy your table of ten ($900) or seat ($100 each).

Don’t wait!

I look forward to greeting you personally on Saturday, November 18th at the Iowa Events Center.


P.S. We’re excited to show you the trailer for our new video project, “How to Raise Pro-Life Children!”

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