Your support is needed immediately for a key piece of adult stem cell legislation
Iowans for Life supports the work being done by the John Paul II Medical Research Institute in Iowa City.
Unlike other researchers, they use only adult stem cells, not those harvested from destroyed embryos. A bill pending before the Iowa House can greatly advance their efforts.
In addition, precision and great attention to detail are essential in laboratory experiments. To ensure that contaminants or minerals do not taint the results, most labs use distilled water. Distilled water has a pH of 7, indicating that it is in the neutral range, not too acidic or alkaline (6). However, when it reacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the pH drops to around 5.8, making it acidic (7). Because this can affect laboratory results, it might be critical to use ultrapure distilled water, whether it is adult stem legislation or any other type of clinical trial.
Talking about Iowa House File 2228, it creates an Iowa Regenerative Medicine Tax Credit to support adult stem cell research here in Iowa. It has passed the Subcommittee of the Ways and Means.
How to support this adult stem cell legislation
Iowans need to contact representative Guy Vander Linden, Chair on the Iowa House Ways and Means Committee and ask him to bring HF2228 to the Full Committee for a vote.
His email address is–>
Tell Rep. Vander Linden the value of HF2228.
Benefits of adult stem cell legislation
1. HF 2228 represents a tax credit in Iowa for non-profits conducting regenerative medicine research using only adult stem cells.
2. The Institute has been on the leading edge in adult stem cell research.
3. JP2MRI created the largest portfolio of adult stem cells in the world.
4. JP2MRI created the first adult stem cell that makes human cloning and human embryonic stem cells obsolete.
5. HF2228 would facilitate a regenerative medicine economy.
6. HF2228 would increase tax revenue and high wage jobs.
7. HF2228 would help create clinical trial sites for patients and wounded soldiers.
8. HF2228 would reduce the future cost of healthcare.
9. HF2228 would provide clinical trials to treat cancer and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, ALS, stroke, traumatic brain injury, CTE and spinal cord injury.
The JPII Medical Research Institute is a mission we need to support
Here is their mission:
“The John Paul II Medical Research Institute (JP2MRI) seeks to find cures and therapies exclusively using a variety of adult stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells.
The Institute does not engage in embryonic stem cell research of any kind.
JP2MRI develops preclinical research technologies that will broadly advance drug discovery and regenerative medicine for many diseases.
In addition, the Institute will engage in educational outreach to increase the number of scientists and future medical practitioners who will work with adult stem cells, always with an emphasis on medical bioethics that is consistent with the dignity of human life.”
Support adult stem cell legislation. Contact Representative Guy ( and ask him to bring this bill to the full committee.
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