What does Pulse do, anyway?

Protect Life Amendment public hearing

Pulse executive director, Maggie DeWitte, testifies at the Capitol.

What does Pulse Life Advocates do day in and day out? 

You may have given us money (thank-you!) and want to know how we use it. 

You may be in a crisis pregnancy trying to figure out your next step. 

Maybe you’re trying to sort out your feelings about the abortion issue and need hard data and insightful info on the emotional, physical, and spiritual implications of aborting unborn human beings.

Whatever the reason, Pulse is busy on behalf of unborn babies.

We believe in the dignity of human life from the instant of fertilization to natural death. To that end, we maintain an unrelenting schedule to end abortion in Iowa and beyond.

We engage with governors, legislators, media, churches, students, pastors, bishops, women in crisis pregnancies, men’s groups, women’s groups, schools, teachers, principals, moms, dads, grandparents, and more providing them factual information on the life and death issue of abortion.

Big Abortion may have us out-financed, but they certainly can’t out-hustle us!

Here is a partial list of what we’ve done since the first of the year:

√ Took two busloads of students to the March for Life in Washington DC

√ Co-sponsored the Prayer Rally at the Capitol

√ Prayed in front of Planned Parenthood on 6 different dates during 40 Days for Life.

√ Testified before 13 legislative hearings (above)

√ Chaired 6 meetings of the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders

√ Sponsored the Women of Worth pro-life musical event which helped support Mary’s Helping Hands

√ Spoke on pro-life matters before multiple groups.

√ Spoke at the Man-Up West Power Lunch

√ Met with the Governor for the signing of the Abortion Recovery Month Proclamation.

√ Attended the Dubuque County Right to Life annual dinner

√ Interviewed by the media 15 times

√ Became certified to provide sidewalk advocacy training

√ Sponsored Sidewalk Advocacy Training at Iowa State

√ Honored and promoted World Down Syndrome Day

√ Launched our “How to Raise Pro-Life Children” video series

√ Published 25 blogposts on what’s happening politically and culturally in the pro-life arena

√ Presented our Respect Life Curriculum to Des Moines Catholic Diocesan teachers and administrators

√ Gifted our Whole Life Curriculum to three parochial schools

√ Co-hosted Faith on Trial with Deacon Mike Manno on Iowa Catholic Radio

√ Planning the 2024 Iowa March for Life (coming June 22nd)

√ Attended the Heartbeat bill oral arguments before the Iowa Supreme Court

√ Organized Dowling Catholic’s pro-life group to meet legislators and tour the Capitol.

√ Co-sponsored the veneration of Our Lady of Guadalupe image at multiple locations

√ Purchased booth space to display pro-life materials at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Spring kick-off event

√ Co-sponsored the upcoming Life Wins Event Celebration (April 27th)

√ Dramatically expanded the content of our website with new info for women in crisis pregnancies; abortion pill reversal content; an entire new family support page; and a new page on abortion procedures so women know what they’re getting into if they choose abortion.

So what does Pulse do? A lot.

If you’ve supported us financially, thank-you. THIS is how your financial support is used.

If you’re not supporting us financially, and if you like the direction we’ve taken, can you begin supporting us today? Dollars matter. Even $10 or $20 a month helps, and we make it easy to set up monthly giving here.

Pulse Life Advocates won’t stop what we’re doing until abortion is simply a bad memory from a dark period in our nation’s history.

[Help end abortion. Donate now.]