Action Alert!

Action alertYour action is needed today! 

Pregnant women and new moms deserve more access to meaningful assistance and support when they need it most. A Senate Appropriations subcommittee has passed Senate File 2354, the Iowa MOMS (More Options for Maternal Support) bill. The bill is a priority of Pulse Life Advocates and the Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders.

The legislation would provide reimbursement for services such as:

  • Baby essentials, including cribs, clothing, formula, diapers, and safety devices like car seats.
  • Counseling, referral, and care coordination services.
  • Housing and employment assistance during pregnancy and for up to one year after birth.
  • Classes to prepare for pregnancy, birth, parenting, adoption, nutrition, life skills, and employment readiness.

Senate File 2354 would also extend Medicaid services for new mothers to a year after the birth, rather than only two months, helping ensure access to quality prenatal and postpartum care, which will result in healthier pregnancies and birth outcomes.

Iowa MOMS will put the state squarely on the side of childbirth and supporting women. The money could only go to life-affirming agencies that don’t refer for or perform abortions. More than a dozen states have similar initiatives.

When faced with a crisis pregnancy, many women fear they won’t be able to find needed social services, family support, and financial resources. No matter the status of abortion law, we have a responsibility to help women with real options and support when they are pregnant.

Please send a message to your legislators today in support of Iowa MOMS.
Click below to find your legislator and contact them TODAY!


CLICK HERE to see all the bills that survived the second legislative funnel.