The case for life when a woman is raped

Iowans for LIFE agrees that every human being, born or unborn, is made in the image of God and innocent of the crimes of his or her parents. No child should be killed because his or her father is a rapist.

We further believe that mothers deserve our special care, concern, and help, and that the perpetrators of evil crimes like rape or incest should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

That’s why IFL applauds the testimonies of Rebecca Kiessling and others, whose very lives prove the twisted ignorance of advocating for the execution of unborn children conceived in rape or incest. No baby can be killed without grave injustice. The case for life when a woman is raped is overwhelming.

If a woman is raped, it is horrible. It becomes more traumatic if she becomes pregnant from her rapist. Here is the life-altering question for rape victims: to abort or not to abort?

A website called Life Dynamics addresses the issue and reveals a viewpoint the mainstream media never covers: women who were raped, who gave birth, and were glad they chose life.

Conceived through rape

The site gives voice to women conceived through rape who thank their mothers for allowing them to live. You can watch a quick clip above and follow the link to hear more.

At the Iowa legislature last year, Jennifer Brierly flew in and testified on her experience on behalf of legislators weighing the Heartbeat Bill.

Mrs. Brierly supported the Heartbeat Bill as a woman who was beaten, tortured, and raped, her body dumped in a stairwell to die.

She lived.

She suffered brain trauma which affects her to this day. And her rapist impregnated her. Despite all of this, she stands up publicly to protect the innocent victims of the crime, the unborn person in the womb, for whose eradication society cries out.

Watch her testimony below, every second of it.

How do rape victims find peace?

Here is what is amazing: rape victims who give birth to their rapist’s child are more at peace than those who aborted the child.

The source for this finding comes from a book called Victims and Victors: Speaking Out About Their Pregnancies, Abortions, and Children Resulting from Sexual Assault, edited by Dr. David C. Reardon, Julie Makimaa and Amy Sobie.

They surveyed rape victims to accumulate some raw data. But even more, far more, they listened to their stories.

IFL didn’t expect these results. Here’s what Dr. Reardon learned:

“Many of the women in our sample aborted only because they were pressured to do so, and most reported that the abortion only increased their experience of grief and trauma. In contrast, none of the women who carried to term said they wished they had not given birth or that they had chosen abortion instead. Many of these women said that their children had brought peace and healing to their lives.”

Abortion increases the woman’s sense of isolation and shame

Irrational, isn’t it? A baby should be a symbol of hate, not love, for victims of rape. That is what our intuition says. That is what our culture says. An entire political party bases their human abortion platform on this premise.

Dr. Reardon learned from victims themselves that the opposite was true:

“Abortion increases the woman’s sense of isolation and shame by allowing others to pretend the problem doesn’t exist. By getting rid of the pregnancy, which is a reminder of the sexual assault, it allows other people to ignore the woman’s need for understanding and honest exploration and resolution of what she has been through.”

Here’s what hits us like a ton of bricks. Advocates of abortion “rights” club us over the head with the need for abortion on behalf of victims of rape and incest. Dr. Reardon’s research reveals that they’re just plain wrong.

By the way, his study includes victims of incest.

Love trumps hate

Somehow, love for human life is ultimately more therapeutic, more powerful, than hate for the rapist.

Love trumps hate, something Jesus always said.

Dr. Reardon gives us a cautionary warning:

“Population controllers have exploited people’s compassion for rape and incest victims to weaken abortion laws and gain acceptance for abortion on demand. It’s time to give these women a chance to speak out for themselves and let the truth be known.”

Life Dynamics does just that.

In the very brief video below, you hear another important perspective: that of a woman who was conceived in rape prior to Roe V Wade. Rebecca Kiessling said her heroes are the pro life legislators who wouldn’t allow human abortion, even in the case of rape.

To the victims of rape and incest, those of us at Iowans for LIFE can simply say we are so very sorry for your pain.

We pray that this post serves a purpose. The case for life when a woman is raped is overwhelming.

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