Pete Buttigieg for Vice President?

In today’s Wall Street Journal, ace Journal columnist, Daniel Henninger, predicts Pete Buttigieg will be Kamala Harris’ pick for VP. He says two prominent governors, Roy Cooper and Gretchen Whitmer, have removed their names from consideration boosting Mayor Pete’s odds. Pulse’s question is: will his position on abortion help or hinder Pete Buttigieg odds for Vice President?

Buttigieg is clearly campaigning for the job. He’s all over the media, with recent interviews on The Daily Show and Fox News. 

“White Dudes for Harris”

The Transportation Secretary spoke on a Zoom event called “White Dudes For Harris.” Two-hundred thousand ‘white dudes’ participated. The subject turned to abortion, on which Buttigieg weighed in with this remark:

“Yes, women’s freedom is Exhibit A after Donald Trump demolished the right to choose.”

This statement is inaccurate for two reasons. First, women sadly still have the right to choose to kill their unborn child in most states, since the issue was simply returned to the states with the Dobbs decision. 

Second, it wasn’t actually Trump who decided it, it was the Supreme Court. And let’s be honest: freedom is a dishonest term when it takes way another person’s freedom to be born. Abortion has nothing to do with freedom.

Buttigieg continued:

“Men are also more free in a country where we have a president who stands up for things like access to abortion. Men are more free when the leader of the free world and the leader of this country supports access to birth control.”

Buttigieg is correct that men are more free to be promiscuous, thanks to abortion and a contraception culture. But is that really good for men?

Buttigieg is correct that men are more free to shirk the moral and fiscal responsibilities of fatherhood, thanks to abortion. But is that really good for men or the children they sire (and abort)?

Buttigieg is correct that men are more free to pursue relationships lacking in commitment, thanks to abortion and contraception. But is that really good for men and their bedmates? And is it really good for our country?

The answer …

The answer to these 3 questions are easy to find, thanks to research conducted by the Harvard Medical School. They reported on a survey of 127,545 of American adults. If Buttigieg’s thesis is correct, all those ‘free’ men enjoying unbridled sex should be just as happy and fit as their committed, married male counterparts.

But they’re not.

Married men are happier, healthier, and live longer than single men, according to Harvard Health Publishing. Men who forgo commitment for the sake of sexual license pay a steep price. For one, abortion rates are ten times higher outside of marriage than within, according to Statista.

Survey shows that married men get less cancer and heart disease. Their mental health is better, with less risk of depression or Alzheimer’s disease. They live longer.

Every possible metric favors commitment (marriage) over the Buttigieg model which touts freedom, a code word for irresponsibility and promiscuity in this context.

There’s more to the story …

So why do men (and women) fare better in marriage? Sure, lifestyle plays a role. But it’s more than just that. There’s a spiritual dimension that negates Buttigieg’s entire thesis. 

Committed (married) men are far freer than uncommitted men, because the sexual act within marriage is liberating, beautiful, and creative. This sexual intimacy unleashes the potential to create another immortal human being. Abortion destroys this unique creation to what end? It negates the essence of love, which is to will the good of the other for the sake of the other.

Abortion wills the good of the self at the expense of the other. It makes us slaves to desire at the expense of love while betraying God’s gift of a child.

So as we consider Pete Buttigieg for Vice President, it probably doesn’t matter who Ms. Harris selects as a running mate. She won’t select anyone who doesn’t agree with her core conviction that abortion should be unregulated and taxpayer-funded. 

Pulse Life Advocates goes on record refuting Mayor Pete’s assertion that abortion is essential to men’s freedom. 

It’s not. And it’s not only bad for men and women, it’s bad for America.