Abortion takes the life of a baby
Hi, I’m Laura Limmex. I am the Executive Director of Restored by Grace and I’m a founding member of The Coalition.
I too had an abortion at the age of 16, and for many years I denied the fact of what happened that day and the memories of what happened that day. Today I work with women across the state of Iowa and this Midwest region who are struggling following the decision to have an abortion.
Abortion takes the life of a baby
Human abortion doesn’t resolve problems
It left them to navigate grief, guilt, remorse, anger, depression, anxiety. Things that they thought were being resolved with the abortion were only escalated. They were affected mentally, emotionally, many times physically and spiritually.
I’m going to be brief and just end with a couple questions.
As a community, Nation, State what do we value? Should not our legislators as representatives protect and stand up for people who are young both before birth and after?
Thank you.
[The above is a transcript of Laura Limmex’s testimony before the Iowa Senate’s subcommittee on the Heartbeat Bill, SSB 3143, on February 8th. The full committee debates the bill today in room 116. Please attend beginning at 4PM to show your support.]