Pulse Life Advocates is at the state capitol, relentlessly advocating for the protection of all life in our laws.

At the state capitol...

Pulse Life Advocates has been a leader in bringing forth pro-life legislation at the Iowa State Capitol.  In fact, most of the early pro-life legislation can be credited to this organization.  We are advocating for legislation during the session and providing education to our representatives to pass bills that will protect life.


Click below to find your legislator and contact them TODAY to encourage them to vote pro-life!


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We are proud founding members of the Coalition of Pro-life Leaders in the state of Iowa.



Roe Decision
  • June 24, in Dobbs v. Jackson we overturned federal abortion law.
  • Abortion law goes back to the state.
  • Two dozen states have trigger bills, so they have outlawed abortion, Iowa unfortunately is not one of those states.



24 Hour Bill
2023 Iowa Initiatives & Concerns
Mail Order Abortion Pills
Current Threats to Life
Abortion Pill Ruling

Session Updates

2024 End of Session

The legislative session ended in the early morning hours of Saturday April 27, 2024.   It was a disappointing session for the pro-life movement.  While we appreciate the extra effort our legislators took to have a special session last summer to re-pass our Heartbeat bill once again, this session produced very little in terms of the life issues.  Here is what passed for this session:

SF 2251 Expands Medicaid Coverage for One Year Post-Partum

SF 2252 MOMS (More Options for Maternal Support) Program

HF 2276 Requires Zoning of Maternity Homes as Residential Property

2024 Second Funnel
2024 First Funnel
2023 End of Session
2023 Second Funnel
2023 First Funnel
2022 End of Session
2022 Second Funnel
2022 Update
2020 Recap


Heartbeat Novena

Join us in the Heartbeat Novena beginning today

By Pulse Life Advocates | November 29, 2018

The pro-life movement is powerless without prayer. In fact, the movement is driven by people of faith who pray unrelentingly on behalf of the most vulnerable members of our society, the unborn. Iowans for LIFE asks you to join us…

Heartbeat Bill update

The Heartbeat Bill faces a make or break moment on December 7th

By Pulse Life Advocates | November 16, 2018

By Maggie DeWitte [Here is an excerpt from IFL Executive Director Maggie DeWitte’s remarks at the recent Iowans for LIFE fundraising banquet]: IFL spent a considerable amount of time at the Capitol this last session, along with our friends from…

California girls

No, we don’t wish they ‘all could be California girls’

By Pulse Life Advocates | October 2, 2018

One state represents 17% of all abortions in the US: California (Guttmacher Institute). Some 157,350 took place in 2014 alone in the Golden State. In 2014, California had 1671 abortion clinics compared to Iowa’s 13 (a number which has dropped…

Iowa's Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders

Iowa’s Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders responds to today’s court proceedings

By Pulse Life Advocates | August 17, 2018

Iowa’s Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders sat in on critical court proceedings today regarding the Heartbeat Bill. The Heartbeat Bill faces two legal issues. First, it is currently under a temporary injunction because of a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood and…

Heartbeat Bill goes to court

The Heartbeat Bill goes to court tomorrow

By Pulse Life Advocates | August 16, 2018

The Heartbeat Bill goes to court tomorrow. As you recall, Governor Kim Reynolds signed the most pro-life bill in the US into law on May 4th. Governor Reynold’s Statement Governor explained her support for this groundbreaking legislation in this statement:…

new wave movement of the 21st century

History is being forged before your very eyes.

By Pulse Life Advocates | May 2, 2018

By Maggie DeWitte Iowa is once again leading the New Wave Movement of the 21st century with a social justice creed that emphasis LIFE with the passage of the Heartbeat Bill. Last night, we witnessed high drama at the State…

great moral issues

One of the great moral issues in Iowa history

By Pulse Life Advocates | April 11, 2018

If you found a certain type of egg in your backyard and destroyed it, you would be in violation of federal law if the egg was that of a bald eagle. There are no legal consequences, though, for destroying a…

an issue of civil and human rights

Maggie DeWitte’s speech at the public hearing for the Heartbeat Bill

By Pulse Life Advocates | March 22, 2018

My name is Maggie DeWitte and I am the Executive Director for Iowans for LIFE and a founding member of the pro-life coalition. Thank-you for this opportunity to speak. I am here today to speak on behalf of those who…

adult stem cell legislation

Your support is needed immediately for a key piece of adult stem cell legislation

By Pulse Life Advocates | March 21, 2018

Iowans for Life supports the work being done by the John Paul II Medical Research Institute in Iowa City. Unlike other researchers, they use only adult stem cells, not those harvested from destroyed embryos. A bill pending before the Iowa…

We can't make all this happen without you

Help us protect the unborn and defenseless through education and action!

2023 Prayer Rally at the Iowa Capital in Des Moines, Iowa