Pulse Life Advocates is at the state capitol, relentlessly advocating for the protection of all life in our laws.

At the state capitol...

Pulse Life Advocates has been a leader in bringing forth pro-life legislation at the Iowa State Capitol.  In fact, most of the early pro-life legislation can be credited to this organization.  We are advocating for legislation during the session and providing education to our representatives to pass bills that will protect life.


Click below to find your legislator and contact them TODAY to encourage them to vote pro-life!


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We are proud founding members of the Coalition of Pro-life Leaders in the state of Iowa.



Roe Decision
  • June 24, in Dobbs v. Jackson we overturned federal abortion law.
  • Abortion law goes back to the state.
  • Two dozen states have trigger bills, so they have outlawed abortion, Iowa unfortunately is not one of those states.



24 Hour Bill
2023 Iowa Initiatives & Concerns
Mail Order Abortion Pills
Current Threats to Life
Abortion Pill Ruling

Session Updates

2024 End of Session

The legislative session ended in the early morning hours of Saturday April 27, 2024.   It was a disappointing session for the pro-life movement.  While we appreciate the extra effort our legislators took to have a special session last summer to re-pass our Heartbeat bill once again, this session produced very little in terms of the life issues.  Here is what passed for this session:

SF 2251 Expands Medicaid Coverage for One Year Post-Partum

SF 2252 MOMS (More Options for Maternal Support) Program

HF 2276 Requires Zoning of Maternity Homes as Residential Property

2024 Second Funnel
2024 First Funnel
2023 End of Session
2023 Second Funnel
2023 First Funnel
2022 End of Session
2022 Second Funnel
2022 Update
2020 Recap


Caitlyn Dixson testifies

Caitlyn Dixson testifies on behalf of the Protect Life Amendment

By Pulse Life Advocates | January 17, 2020

Good morning. My name is Caitlyn Dixson and I am the Executive Director of Iowa Right to Life. I am proud to be with many in the pro-life movement to voice our strong, unified, and unwavering support of the Protect…

Protect Life Amendment

Laura Limmex testifies on behalf of the Protect Life Amendment

By Pulse Life Advocates | January 16, 2020

Good morning, my name is Laura Limmex. I’m the Executive Director of Restored by Grace, an organization that comes along side women and families who are dealing with the loss of a child due to abortion. This past August my…

Maggie DeWitte testifies at the State Capitol

Maggie DeWitte testifies at the State Capitol

By Pulse Life Advocates | January 16, 2020

My name is Maggie DeWitte and I am the Executive Director of Iowans for LIFE and the spokesman for the Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders.  I am speaking to you this morning in strong support for SJR 21. I believe the…

Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Democrats continue to block no-brainer pro-life bill

By Pulse Life Advocates | September 12, 2019

IFL is a non-partisan pro-life group. However, if you’re looking for a single reason to vote against Democratic candidates, it would be their intractable opposition to the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Republicans crafted the legislation earlier this year. It…

“So you kill them now or you kill them later”

By Pulse Life Advocates | May 3, 2019

The Alabama House of Representatives just passed a bill that would make human abortion a Class A felony for doctors (but not the mother). Republicans overwhelming supported the bill. Most Democrats walked out in protest before the vote occurred. Democratic…

born alive legislation

Everything you wanted to know about ‘born alive’ legislation but were afraid to ask

By Pulse Life Advocates | April 24, 2019

“You are pathetic for believing and spreading such garbage!” What sparked this intense outburst? The meme above which appeared on our Facebook page. The meme reveals the incoherence of Democratic politicians when it comes to born alive legislation. The responder …

unborn person

Pro life legislative win!

By Pulse Life Advocates | March 29, 2019

We have some good legislative news for you. Thanks to the leadership of Senator Jake Chapman, the wording of a pending piece of legislation was changed from “human pregnancy” to “unborn person.” Senate bill SF 523 makes the penalty for…

Medicare for All

Medicare for All mandates taxpayer funded abortion

By Pulse Life Advocates | March 23, 2019

Iowans for LIFE doesn’t typically get involved with Medicare discussions. Now it’s necessary to comment in light of a growing swath of left-leaning politicians calling for Medicare for All. The proposed legislation is shocking. Mandated taxpayer funded abortions The language…

future of Roe v Wade

The future of Roe v Wade

By Pulse Life Advocates | March 15, 2019

Sadly, the future of Roe v Wade doesn’t matter to Iowa considering the Iowa Supreme Court’s decision last year. The Iowa Court concocted a right to abortion out of thin air. Watch the brief video clip with Tom Chapman, Executive…

We can't make all this happen without you

Help us protect the unborn and defenseless through education and action!

2023 Prayer Rally at the Iowa Capital in Des Moines, Iowa