Final legislative update of the 2022 session
The Legislature adjourned the 2022 Session of the 89th General Assembly on May 25, 2022.
The MOMS Act: It was included in House File 2578, the human services budget bill. Iowa MOMS will receive $500,000 to help pro-life agencies support pregnant women and new moms with baby essentials and counseling. The funding was not included for the expansion for mothers who receive Medicaid. This amount is significantly less than we had hoped for, but it is a good start to hopefully a program that will grow in the coming years.
HF2420: This bill relates to the newborn safe haven act. Iowa already has a save haven law, but this bill will expand it from 30 days to 90 days in which a parent can voluntarily release custody of a newborn infant. This law has been used more than 50 times since being enacted over 20 years ago.
SF577: This is a bill that provides a birth certificate for a nonviable birth. Health care providers and/or hospitals can provide a birth certificate for families experiencing a nonviable birth. Governor Reynolds signed this bill May 24. This will provide healing to families experiencing infant loss.
HF2372: This bill related to the nonconsensual termination of a human pregnancy. This bill would correct a bad court ruling and make it a crime to attempt to cause a woman to abort. The Governor has signed this bill into law.