The Protect Life Amendment passes Iowa Senate!
The Senate just passed the Protect Life Amendment by a 30 to 17 vote! Way to go, pro-life legislators!
The Iowa House already passed a similar Amendment, which means both Houses will need to negotiate the final language of the bill.
This is the first, critical step to returning the Iowa Constitution to its original abortion-neutral status, undoing the handiwork of activist judges who found a constitutional right to an abortion in our State charter.
Once the two houses pass the final wording, the Amendment will need to be passed in another legislative session.
The final step: Iowans must vote to enact the Amendment.
Thanks to the courageous legislators who stood up for the rights of the unborn in passing the Protect Life Amendment.
This Amendment returns the right to regulate human abortion to the people of Iowa, taking it back from unelected judges who legislate from the bench.
We ask you to thank and encourage your legislators for passing this historic Amendment this session.
Our work isn’t done, but it’s a great start!
Yours for Life …
Maggie DeWitte, Executive Director