New report shows Planned Parenthood abortions on the rise
Planned Parenthood has released its latest annual report for 2019-2020, and as expected, abortions and taxpayer dollars at the abortion corporation are still on the rise.
Key takeaways:
• Abortions increased nearly 3% in 2019-2020 from the previous year (7% increase from a decade ago), for a record high total of 354,871 abortions, up from 345,672. That’s over 972 preborn children daily: one killed every 89 seconds.
• Taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood increased from $616.8 million to $618.1 million in 2019-2020. That’s $1.7 million taxpayer dollars daily.
• Planned Parenthood now holds over 41% of the abortion market share in the US, up from 40% the year prior.
• Nearly one out of every six female clients visiting Planned Parenthood had an abortion.
• Prenatal care and adoption referrals both dropped double digits from the previous year. Planned Parenthood commits 41 abortions for every one prenatal care service and 133 abortions for every adoption referral.
[Jason Follett is Ceremonial Director for the Iowa Knights of Columbus.]