Maggie DeWitte

Maggie DeWitte

Maggie DeWitte has served as the Executive Director of Pulse (Iowans for LIFE) since 2010.  Prior to her role as Executive Director, she served on the Board of Directors for two years.  Previous work experience includes the Adoption Coordinator for Catholic Charities and Respect Life Contact for the Diocese of Des Moines from 2000-2010.  DeWitte has worked as a family counselor for children at risk of being removed by the State, an Independent Living Counselor for teenagers aging out of the foster care system, taught Life Skills to court ordered adolescents, a specialized case manager for the foster care system in Illinois, and a counselor at a group home.  DeWitte has 25 years of experience working in various social service positions throughout her career.  The common thread is working on behalf of those most vulnerable.

Ms. DeWitte is married and has four children.  They attend (have attended) Dowling Catholic High School and St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School.  She is a member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church and serves on the Respect Life Committee, and the Adoration Committee.

sarah schiltz

Sarah Schiltz

Sarah Schiltz is a parishioner at Sacred Heart Church where she converted to Catholicism in 2007. With her Christian foundation, the Catholic sacraments have brought her closer to the Trinity.

Her joy is her four children and husband. They  are easily the most beautiful miracles she’s experienced, and she’s grateful God chose motherhood for her.

The last decade was dedicated to being a stay at home wife and mother. While at home she found time to attend bible studies and volunteer. Prior, she worked in the corporate world and in advertising. Sarah was born and raised on a Century Farm in Southwest Iowa. She attended college in Des Moines and after graduating she made the Metro her home.

Photography, art, sports and all things family are some of her favorite things. She continues to volunteer in the community and currently helps with Night Fire Concerts social media and photography.

Sarah has gone on the March for Life pilgrimage with her two oldest kids three times and plans to also take her younger two in the future. Each trip brings new insight and inspiration. God’s love and His miracles are greater than circumstance. The Blessed Virgin Mary showed us the way with her selfless yes. A comforting scripture of Sarah’s is Psalm 139.

Sarah Hurm

Sarah Hurm

Sarah grew up in Granger, Iowa. She is one of five girls.

In her teen years, Sarah started to experiment with living outside of the path she was shown growing up. Drinking, smoking, abusive relationships and a life of promiscuity lead her to facing her fourth unplanned pregnancy.

It was through her journey of starting a chemical abortion and reversing it that her eyes were opened, found the road to redemption and began to understand the immeasurable worth of each person. She now owns her own massage business and is a solo parent to four children.

Sarah is contacting schools and churches throughout the state to increase attendance at the national March for Life in Washington D.C.

Meet IFL Board of Directors

Thank you to our board members who actively give their lives in defense of the unborn and defenseless. 

Tom Quiner, Board President

Tom Quiner

Tom has been married for 43 years to his wife Karen and have three grown children and two grandchildren. Together they own and operate Breakthrough Marketing. Tom converted to Catholicism in 1981 and attends Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Tom and Karen share two passions, their faith and the pro-life cause. They also have a ministry they call Evangelization through Entertainment and have produced ten musicals and shows.

Tom believes the pro-life cause is the preeminent issue of the day and the most powerful one for bringing people to Christ. It has been Tom's honor to serve on the board since 2015 and board president since 2018.

Ryan Parlee

Ryan Parlee

Ryan Parlee is local business owner and father of 8. His oldest son just graduated high school and his youngest son is about to start kindergarten. He likes to read books, ride bikes, play games, and otherwise run around after his kids. He attends Saylorville Church and has been a life long pro-life supporter.

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Jean Smith

I am a cradle Catholic and have been married to my husband Terry for over 40 years. We have three grown children and two grandchildren.

I am a retired Laboratory Supervisor for UnityPoint Hospital.   I am a Medical Technologist and I have a Master’s degree in Leadership from Grandview University.

We are parishioners of Holy Trinity Catholic Church.  I have been involved in many ministries including; Stephen’s Ministry, Christ Renews His Parish, Worship and Spirituality, Peace and Justice, Marriage Encounter, the Respect Life Committee and I taught Religious Education.  I volunteer as a receptionist for Inner Visions Health Clinic.   My husband and I have been involved in Christian Family Movement and were on the National Board.

I know that every child is created by God and is precious in His eyes.  I became pro-life in high school and my convictions have been strengthened thoughout the years.   I feel a call from God to work for His glory.  It is an honor to work on the Iowans For LIFE board.    “Rejoice in the Lord always”  Phil 4:4


Kim Grzywacz

Kim Grzywacz works alongside her husband at their company, CIT Signature Transportation. She began this role in 2012 after 18 years as an elementary teacher. You never know where life is going to lead you, and this path is a blessing she would not have predicted. Kim has served/is serving on the following boards: Motorcoach Marketing Council, Women in Buses Council (currently past chair), American Bus Association, FIRE Foundation for Northeast Iowa (secretary), and Iowa Group Travel Association (treasurer). Together, John and Kim have 5 children ages 26 to 10 years old. Kim is a lector at St. Thomas Aquinas church in Ames, Iowa, and feels blessed by the Holy Spirit when she proclaims God's word.


Fr. Jason Lee

Fr. Lee was ordained a priest on June 23, 2023.  He is the parochial vicar at Our Lady's Immaculate Heart Catholic in Ankeny, IA. Fr. Lee grew up in Waukee and is the  youngest of 3 children. Fr. Lee has a fraternal twin brother and an older sister. He was raised baptized and raised in the United Methodist Church. In 2014, he converted to the Catholic faith and graduated from Waukee High School.

Fr. Lee discerned the call to for the priesthood while at Iowa State, and he entered St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul, MN, located at the University of St. Thomas for his sophomore year of college.  Following graduation, he continued his studies in theology at the St Paul Seminary School of Divinity (MN), finishing in the spring of 2023.  He received a bachelor's degrees in philosophy from the University of St. Thomas (MN), as well as a Master of Divinity from the St Paul Seminary School of Divinity. You can find Fr. Lee exercising at the gym, reading, or cooking some good Chinese food!

Fr. Lee is excited join the Board of Directors and advocate for the  respect and dignity of human life from conception to natural death.

Jeff Pierick

Jeff Pierick

Jeff has been married to his wife Karen for 33 years.  They have 7 children and two grandchildren. They are active members of St. Augustin Catholic Church.

Jeff is a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus and the Advocate for the St. Augustin Council.  He is also a member of the Serra Club, Lawyers for Life, and several other Catholic groups.  Jeff and Karen are a sponsor couple for marriage prep.

He and several of his children have attended the March for Life in D.C. for the last 11 years.  Jeff attends various pro-life events in the DSM area.

Jeff has been an attorney for 32 years working for various financial services companies as an in-house counsel.

garland dahlke new

Garland Dahlke

A member of Iowans for Life Board of directors since 2004

It all started in central Wisconsin as an 8 year old with the realization that abortion is murder followed by a debate prior to the 1976 presidential election with the neighbor kids regarding why a presidential candidate and a political party that would support abortion is not in the best interest of the country.  Fast forward 40+ years and many more confrontations, Garland now lives in Ames, Iowa with his wife Bethany and when not doing the normal day job is an advisor to the Iowa State University Students for Life group at Iowa State University.

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Steve Tatz

Steve Tatz lives in Urbandale with his wife, Lisa. They were married in 1993 and have four children. He has a master’s degree in healthcare administration and extensive not-for-profit experience. An active member and Permanent Deacon of the Catholic Church, he serves as the Training Center Director for Mercy College of Health Sciences. Steve joined Iowans for Life in 2001 and served as president 2009 - 2011. He states, “our cause is love for every single person, period.”


Andrew Deick

Andrew Deick

Andrew is a Software Engineering major at Iowa State University and has been the treasurer for the Students for Life club at Iowa State. Andrew is an active member of St. Thomas Aquinas in Ames, and enjoys playing Ultimate Frisbee and volleyball in his spare time.
Andrew is a new member on the Board of directors and is excited to engage younger Iowans and the next generation of the pro-life movement.
Mary Jo Harty

Mary Jo Harty

Mary Jo Harty is a founding member of St. Francis Parish in West Des Moines, IA.  She and her husband Frank, have 4 children and 10 grandchildren.  Mary Jo has devoted her lifetime to faith and philanthropic activities with an emphasis on children at risk.  Her volunteer efforts have included a past member of St. Francis Parish Council, establishing the first Right to Life committee at St. Francis, numerous fundraisers for Catholic education and a past president of the Dowling Catholic Guild.  She currently also sits on the Board of Heartland for Kids, a local Mary’s Meals fundraising arm and is the Diocesan Coordinator for Seven Sisters Apostolate.
mark purtle

Dr. Mark Purtle

Dr. Purtle is a semiretired physician.  He and his spouse, Mary, moved back to Des Moines and joined Mary’s father’s Internal Medicine practice in 1986.  He is a founding member of UnityPoint Health and served as Chief Medical Officer in the Des Moines affiliate for nearly 20 years until retiring in 2021.

He currently continues to teach medical residents in clinics at Broadlawns and teaches math/algebra at St. Thomas Classical Academy.  He is a 4th degree Knight of Columbus and a Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Seplecure.   He is an active musician playing for several choirs at St. Francis of Assisi and the Saints and Sinners band.

He and Mary have been active in the Pro-Life movement for many years.

Ben Roby

Ben Robey

Ben and his wife, Courtney, have two young children and are parishoners at Holy Trinity Catholic Church
in Des Moines. Ben is a member of the Knights of Columbus, and he and his wife lead the pre-baptism
classes in their church. A carpenter by trade, Ben knows the importance of a proper foundation for any
building project. The foundation for the pro-life ‘building’ is found in our families and our church
communities, and Ben hopes to be able to help foster the strengthening of these foundations during his
time on the Pulse board.