Pulse Life Advocates is at the state capitol, relentlessly advocating for the protection of all life in our laws.

At the state capitol...

Pulse Life Advocates has been a leader in bringing forth pro-life legislation at the Iowa State Capitol.  In fact, most of the early pro-life legislation can be credited to this organization.  We are advocating for legislation during the session and providing education to our representatives to pass bills that will protect life.


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We are proud founding members of the Coalition of Pro-life Leaders in the state of Iowa.



Session Updates

First Funnel 2025

What bills survived the first legislative funnel?

Each session, the legislature has deadlines to keep bills moving forward.  The first funnel deadline is March 7.  If a bill did not get through a committee by that date, they are considered dead for the session (with some exceptions for taxation and appropriation bills).

The second funnel is April 4, and bills must go through one chamber and out of committee in the other chamber to move forward.

Pulse Life Advocates had three legislative priorities this session, and two of our three bills have survived the funnel!

HF 775 Informed Consent for Medication Abortion- This bill requires all abortion facilities to post a sign stating the effectiveness and possibility of avoiding, ceasing or reversing the effects of a medication abortion.  This bill also requires a written certification from the pregnant woman that she has been informed of all the risks commonly associated with medication abortion and that it may be possible to reverse the intended effects and provide information as to locations to obtain an abortion pill reversal. This bill further states that a doctor cannot dispense Mifepristone unless it is in a health care setting. This bill has passed sub and full committee and now is eligible for debate in the House.

HF391/SF175 Prenatal Human Development Education- This bill provides that fetal development related to pregnancy be taught in the human growth and development curriculum for all schools in Iowa.  Currently there are two versions of this bill, and both have survived the funnel.  Pulse prefers the Senate version of this bill because it requires this curriculum to be taught from 4th-12th grade. The Senate has passed this bill, and the House version is eligible for debate, but each chamber must decide on one version to move forward with.

Additional bills that Pulse supported:

HF 807- Medically Challenging Pregnancies Act- This bill provides families that have received a fatal fetal anomaly diagnosis to be informed by their health care provider information on perinatal hospice services. This bill has passed the sub and full committee and is now eligible for debate in the House.

HF 571/SF220-Heath Care Conscience Protections- A bill to protect medical practitioners to exercise their conscience related to conducting medical procedures.  This bill has passed sub and committee on the Senate and House and is eligible for debate in both chambers.

SF 288/ HF 103- Accommodations for Pregnant Students in College- A bill related to students who are pregnant or who recently gave birth who attend state institutions of high education be given reasonable accommodations.  The Senate bill has passed the sub and committee and is eligible for debate.  The House version has passed the sub and needs to be passed on to the full committee.

SF 400- A bill that would make abortion drugs listed as a schedule III-controlled substance.  This bill did not survive the funnel.

HF 606- A bill that would require health insurance policies to provide a special enrollment period for pregnant women.  This bill did not survive the funnel.

HF 423- A bill prohibiting abortifacient drugs in the state.  This bill did not survive the funnel.

HF 106- A bill allowing for a cause of action for wrongful death of an unborn child.  This bill did not survive the funnel.

Here are some bills that Pulse did NOT support:

HJR 10- An amendment to the Iowa Constitution related to the right to reproductive care.  This did not survive the funnel deadline.

HF 663- A bill to put the state family planning services under the Medicaid program.  This did not survive the funnel deadline.

HF 605- A bill allowing over the counter hormonal contraceptives.  This did not survive the funnel deadline.

SF 188- A bill requiring health insurance coverage for contraceptive devices, drugs and services.  This did not survive the funnel deadline.

2024 End of Session
2024 Second Funnel
2024 First Funnel
2023 End of Session
2023 Second Funnel
2023 First Funnel
2022 End of Session
2022 Second Funnel
2022 Update
2020 Recap
Roe Decision
  • June 24, in Dobbs v. Jackson we overturned federal abortion law.
  • Abortion law goes back to the state.
  • Two dozen states have trigger bills, so they have outlawed abortion, Iowa unfortunately is not one of those states.



24 Hour Bill
Mail Order Abortion Pills
Current Threats to Life
Abortion Pill Ruling


Maggie DeWitte at the Capital

2022 Legislative Update: What bills survived the funnel, and which didn’t

By Pulse Life Advocates | February 21, 2022

By Maggie DeWitte, Executive Director Pulse Life Advocates February 18, 2022, was the first funnel this legislative session. Any bill that did not get through the subcommittee and committee process in one chamber was considered dead. We had several pro-life…

big news

BIG NEWS: Iowa’s Roe v. Wade to be challenged in court Feb. 23

By Pulse Life Advocates | February 16, 2022

By Drew Zahn For nearly 50 years, the U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade has been the nation’s biggest barrier to protecting and defending the lives of unborn children. In Iowa, the biggest barrier to protecting innocent babies’ lives is the…

Supreme Court

You’re invited to the Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health watch party

By Pulse Life Advocates | November 23, 2021

On Wednesday, Dec. 1, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral argument in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case. In Dobbs, we are asking the Court to return decisions about abortion policymaking to the states, where people like…

Bob Vander Plaats

The abortion debate just got WAY more radical

By Pulse Life Advocates | September 29, 2021

by Bob Vander Plaats The abortion debate in America has changed. And it’s suddenly way more radical than you may realize. Last Friday, Nancy Pelosi and the U.S. House passed a bill (cosponsored by Iowa’s Rep. Cindy Axne) that would…

Supreme Court

Did the Supreme Court just overturn Roe v Wade?

By Pulse Life Advocates | September 2, 2021

The Supreme Court allowed a Texas law to stand that prohibits abortions after a heartbeat is detectable, approximately 6 weeks into a pregnancy. New York Representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, immediately Tweeted that this meant the end of Roe V Wade: “Republicans…

Big Abortion Special Privilege

Why did the Supreme Court grant Big Abortion special privileges?

By Pulse Life Advocates | August 26, 2021

Have you ever noticed that Big Abortion has special legal privileges unavailable to legitimate healthcare providers? And they’ve been granted by the Supreme Court under the guise that women have a fundamental right to abortion. This perspective comes to us…

Governor Reynolds protects the unborn

RELEASE: Governor Reynolds joins with colleagues on amicus brief defending states’ rights, the unborn

By Pulse Life Advocates | July 30, 2021

DES MOINES – Today, Governor Kim Reynolds joined with 11 additional governors to defend states’ authority to enact legislation that protects the unborn. “For years, democratically elected representatives in states like Iowa have tried to defend innocent human life only…

Protect Life Amendment poll


By Pulse Life Advocates | June 29, 2021

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 29, 2021 Survey of likely voters reveals race within margin of error.    Des Moines, IOWA – A poll of likely voters commissioned by the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders and completed by Public Opinion Strategies earlier…

The Women’s Health Protection Act

The Women’s Health Protection Act would make the U.S. more pro-abortion than China

By Pulse Life Advocates | June 18, 2021

Senate Democrats have introduced the The Women’s Health Protection Act. If passed, the law would gut just about all existing state-by-state restrictions on the books, including those laws that previously passed Supreme Court scrutiny. The Charlotte Lozier Institute highlights the devastating impact…

We can't make all this happen without you

Help us protect the unborn and defenseless through education and action!

2023 Prayer Rally at the Iowa Capital in Des Moines, Iowa