How do pro abortion lawmakers and Planned Parenthood fail women? Let me count the ways.
By Maggie DeWitte
The Des Moines Register’s Kathie Obradovich sets up a straw man in her May 22nd opinion piece, “How do Iowa and federal lawmakers fail pregnant women and mothers? Let’s count the ways.”
She focuses entirely on rape and incest when writing about the the gains made by the pro-life movement in this state and around the country.
But, abortions rarely take place due to rape. According to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, less than half a percentage point of abortion victims had an abortion due to rape. Both sides of the debate agree it’s a rarity. And yet Ms. Obradovich spent half of her column scolding pro-lifers for regulations that don’t allow abortion due to rape.
Abortion makes rape worse
Rape and incest ARE monstrous acts of violence. Abortion makes it worse. Abortion-minded politicians and pundits ignore this common principle. It is a common principle because 8 out of 10 rape victims tell us that the trauma of abortion made the trauma of their rape worse. Conversely, women who were raped, conceived, and gave birth don’t regret not having an abortion.
This information comes from a survey of rape victims conducted by researchers who detailed results in their book, “Victims and Victors: Speaking Out About Their Pregnancies, Abortions and Children Resulting From Sexual Assault.”
Artificial birth control doesn’t reduce abortions
Ms. Obradovich implies that accessible and affordable birth control is essential to reducing the incidence of human abortion. She is mistaken. In fact, data from the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood, and NARAL leads to the exact opposite “common principle”.
Artificial birth control does NOT reduce the incidence of abortion. Planned Parenthood and NARAL claim that 99% of women have used some form of artificial birth control. The Centers for Disease Control concurs. Some 99% of sexually active women have used some form of artificial birth control between the ages of 15 and 44. And 88% of women in the same age range have used artificial contraception at some point, whether they’ve ever been sexually active or not.
Despite the widespread adoption and availability of artificial contraception, nearly 60 million unique human persons have been aborted since Roe V Wade.
More than half of the women getting abortions were using artificial birth control
Even more, the Guttmacher Institute reports that ”More than half of women obtaining abortions in 2000 (54%) had been using a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant.” Artificial contraception fails. When it does, it creates unwanted, disposable human beings.
Pro abortion politicians now praise abortion as an intrinsic good. They want all pro-life regulations outlawed, even up to the point of birth, and in some cases, beyond. And they want principled people to pay for these abortions through their taxes in violation of their consciences.
Common ground
In her final paragraph, Ms. Obradovich says, “But surely we can agree that it is incumbent upon our government to prosecute and punish rapists, insist mothers receive equal treatment in the workforce and prevent childbirth from becoming a death sentence.”
No argument there.
Iowans for LIFE maintains that we fail women miserably by suggesting that abortion is the best solution to their unplanned pregnancies. Abortion is painful. It includes the potential for permanent changes in a woman’s body, the possibility of injury or inability to bear future children and even the risk of death. In addition, abortion piles trauma on top of trauma for victims of rape or incest.
Please visit to read some real life personal testimonies of women who were traumatized by abortion.