Abortion hurts women in a profound way

Feb 15, 2024 | Comments Off on Abortion hurts women in a profound way
abortion hurts women

abortion hurts women

By Maggie DeWitte, Executive Director Pulse Life Advocates

Since Roe v. Wade, abortion has taken the lives of over 65 million of our preborn brothers and sisters.  But also, in the wake of that tragedy, it has wounded 65 million women and countless men, siblings, grandparents and other family members.  Abortion hurts women in a profound way, and it has contributed to a society of walking wounded; women hurting and in need of healing from their abortion decision.

We need only talk to those involved in post-abortive counseling to understand the deep physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual pain these women endure because of their abortion decision.

A women chooses abortion for a variety of reasons.  But more times than not, she feels she has no other option.  She doesn’t have the support of her family, is lied to by the abortion industry that this is a quick fix with no consequences.

In many instances she is pressured by the father of the baby.

SHE is a victim of abortion.

SHE needs our compassion and support.

SHE needs help and healing.

Pulse Life Advocates has been a leader in the pro-life movement for over 50 years.  Each and every day is spent trying to create a culture of life.  It’s to save babies AND save mothers.  We love them both!

The pro-life movement is pro-woman.  As such, we will not support any legislation that would criminalize women.

We need to advance laws that protect unborn children and do not harm women, which is why Pulse Life Advocates withdrew support for HF2256 upon learning that it criminalizes women.

[Pulse supports women before and after a baby is born. Mark your calendar for our April 14th WOMEN OF WORTH Music Event and help us help even more babies and their moms.]

Which Super Bowl ad ‘gets’ Jesus best?

Feb 14, 2024 | Comments Off on Which Super Bowl ad ‘gets’ Jesus best?
Jesus Super Bowl ads

Millions of dollars were spent on Jesus Super Bowl ads this year. They sparked animated conversations in churches, coffee shops, and social media. Where to begin? How about with Hallow?

Hallow’s ad featured two high-profile actors doing something amazing: praying. Mark Wahlberg and Jonathan Roumie prayed together to the biggest television audience in history to “help us, Lord, to grow closer to you this Lent.” Then Wahlberg looks into the camera and invites us to pray with the two of them on the Hallow ap during Lent.

Simple. Honest. Powerful.

In an era when only 43% of weekly church attenders are male, seeing two masculine men praying is a powerful encouragement. Jesus Himself prayed constantly. He taught his disciples how to pray, who in turn went out and taught others to pray in order to help each of us develop a personal relationship with God.

Well done, Hallow!

Jesus. He gets us.

Of the two Jesus Super Bowl ads, the second stirred up something of a hornet’s nest. We refer to the “Jesus. He gets us” ad:


Pulse Executive Director, Maggie DeWitte reacted:

“Exactly.  Jesus IS merciful.  He DID eat with the sinners.  He LOVED them.  He loved them so much that He was willing to tell them the honest truth.  And the honest, hard truth was that you need to change your sinful ways.  You are going down a path that leads to destruction.  He was showing them a better way.  He was accepting of the person, but not of their sin.  To receive His mercy, you must first admit your sin and repent of it.”

Daily Wire podcaster Matt Walsh didn’t like the ad either. He asks:

“Will the ad call the world to repentance, to humility, to obedience, to virtue? No, no, no, and no.”

Interesting point. The Bible contains 54 verses calling for our repentance alone. Jesus preached repentance constantly, because He knows our sick souls need it:

 “It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

Blaze TV host Steve Deace said the ad recognizes that people are hurting, but that it offers the wrong solution. People don’t need a buddy (a Jesus that gets them), they need someone to save them from their sin, which involves repentance.

Repentance is glaringly absent in this Jesus Super Bowl ad.

The abortion angle

Pulse is particularly interested in the image of a pro-life supporter washing the feet of a woman in front of a family planning clinic. We suspect she’s there for an abortion or has had one.

How to react?

• This is a lovely representation of what pro-lifers offer women: love and support.

• But is the gravity of the sin of abortion implied? Not at all.


And this is a significant omission, especially in this Lenten season when we are called to turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.

The ad’s big messages are:

  1. “Jesus didn’t teach hate.” Duh. As Matt Walsh said, in this post-Christian world where ignorance of Christianity is rampant, the one single fact everyone knows about Jesus is that he didn’t teach hate. So why do they even mention this, unless they’re suggesting that it is somehow hateful to call out sinful behavior. Again, the message gets our attention without a proper call to action: repentance and faithfulness to the gospel.
  2. “He. Washed. Feet.” Actually, He only did that on one very specific occasion, the night of the Last Supper. But what he did do over and over again is call us to repentance.
  3. “He gets us. All of us.” Indeed He does, which is why he told the woman caught in adultery, “go and sin no more.” He said to the paralyzed man whom He had healed, “Sin no more, that nothing worse may happen to you.” He tells us all, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.” 

How could repentance be ignored?

If repentance is a critical component of Christ’s evangelization message, how could this ad ignore it? Because that’s not the goal, according to the head honcho at BrandHaven, Jason Vanderground, the agency that created the spot. Said Mr. Vanderground:

“Ultimately the goal is inspiration, not recruitment or conversion.”

The ad’s website further explains:

“He gets us is a movement to reintroduce people to the Jesus of the Bible and his confounding love and forgiveness.”

Christ was all about conversion, not just inspiration. His ‘confounding’ love and forgiveness was accompanied by a call to repentance. Whatever the motivation behind the ad’s exclusion of this critical element of Christianity, we’re left with the awareness that these people just don’t ‘get’ Jesus.

The Babylon Bee captured the essence of our concerns in their own imitable ‘reporting’ of the ad:

U.S. — Thanks to the prominently placed Super Bowl ad, thousands of people on their way to Hell breathed a sigh of relief upon learning that Jesus “gets them” and they don’t have to repent or anything.

The rest of their post is well worth reading.

As for the two Jesus Super Bowl ads, this blog votes for Hallow.

Abortion’s impact on music

Feb 9, 2024 | Comments Off on Abortion’s impact on music
abortion's impact on music

What is your favorite love song? Tough question, because most of us would have a challenge narrowing it down to a single favorite. Chances are, your favorite love song was written years ago for the simple reason that fewer love songs are being written this century. Thus, abortion’s impact on music.

“You’re crazy,” may be your immediate response. “How could abortion have any impact on music?”

Let’s start at the beginning: What is love?

The Bible tells us that “God is love” in 1 John 4:7-12. That’s a big idea. So love songs are about God and His Creation, whether the composer understands that or not.

St. Paul wrote of love’s primacy among all the virtues: “So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor. 13:13).

Twelve hundred years later, Thomas Aquinas offered a practical definition: “To love means to consistently will and choose the good of the other.” In other words, we are to love what God loves, our neighbors, who are His creation.

Love is all about giving, not taking.

Abortion clearly is an attack on Love. It wills not the good, but the destruction, of the other for the sake of convenience. It is a rebuke of God’s very creation, a deadly rejection of our Creator which carries profound spiritual consequences to those involved in each abortion.

By contrast, love is creative, inspiring beauty in the world and our lives. No work of art uplifts our souls more than a love song.

Love songs are transformative

Music historian, Ted Gioia provided a secular viewpoint on the value of love songs in his book, “Songs: The Hidden History”:

“People are wrong to view these songs as mere entertainment or escapism. The purpose of a successful love song is to create love. The first love songs were part of fertility rites and they aimed at changing the world, not just describing it. When the Beatles sang ‘All You Need Is Love’ or John Coltrane performed ‘A Love Supreme’, they wanted to transform the world in which they lived. And on a personal level, many of us would not be here today if our parents hadn’t heard a love song at the right time and place. Those love songs aren’t just life-changing, they are life-creating.”

So love songs are transformative.

Love songs are disappearing from the pop charts

Freelance music blogger, DJ Rob, noticed that love songs are disappearing from today’s pop charts, with a precipitous decline on Billboard’s Premier Singles Chart since 2000. He conducted a decade-by-decade analysis of #1 songs with the word ‘love’ in it. Here are the results:

1960s: 23 love songs

1970s: 26 love songs

1980s: 25 love songs

1990s: 24 love songs

2000s: 7 love songs

2010s: 5 love songs

The drop really kicked in beginning in mid the 1990s as the first Roe v Wade generation came of age. Coincidence?

The decline of the love song has accelerated in the 20s, with but a single “love” song, that isn’t really a love song, topping the charts. “Savage Love,” by Jason Derulo is anything but a love song, with lyrics like this:

“When you kiss me, I know you don’t give two f*%@ks … but I still want that.”

How romantic.

Contrast those sentiments with these expressed in the Elvis Presley hit song (above) from 1961, “Can’t Help Falling In Love”:

Wise men say,

“Only fools rush in.”

But I can’t help

Falling in love with you.

‘Only fools rush in’ invokes the virtue of sacrificial love. It reminds us of the first responders at the Twin Towers who sacrificed everything trying to save others. Love is self-giving, not taking.

Elvis summarizes Aquinas so simply with these words:

Take my hand,

Take my whole life, too.

For I can’t help

Falling in love with you.

Love goes far beyond sexuality

It is an exchange of lives. “I give my life to you, you give your life to me.” Or as God explains in the Book of Genesis, “two become one flesh.”

Now that’s something to write a song about!

The post-1973 generation grew up in a milieu that put the individual first over the good of the other. Foundational American freedoms of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness transmogrified into Choice, Equity, and Lifestyle Choice, all at the expense of the human rights of our posterity.

Artists’ understanding of what love really is became twisted  

Abortion has debased sexuality and corrupted the Roe Generation’s perception of love.

The fruits of Roe

Just look at what Roe spawned: no-fault divorce; skyrocketing divorce rates; so-called same-sex marriage that precludes procreation; gender confusion and mutilation; epidemic teen suicide rates; single parent homes as the norm. It’s no wonder a new generation doesn’t know how to write a decent love song.

And yet despite abortion’s impact on music and our culture, there are signs of hope. The Knot (an online wedding planning platform) conducts a survey of wedding trends. Guess what the most popular first wedding dance song for 2023 was? Wait for it:

“Can’t Help Falling in Love” by the King himself, Elvis!

Elvis knocked off Ed Sheeren’s “Perfect” which had been #1 for the previous seven years. And nipping on Elvis and Ed’s heels is Taylor Swift’s “Lover.”

So here’s what we’ve learned: love is timeless. After all, a 63 year old song, performed by a long dead singer, is still in demand by a generation hungry for authentic love.

Despite Roe’s ugly legacy, people still want to hear real love songs. As long as we keep singing the beautiful words of love, the world has a chance.

[Pulse Life Advocates understands that music can promote a culture of life. To that end, we ask you to support our upcoming pro-life concert, “Women of Worth,” on April 14th at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in West Des Moines, IA. Details to come.]

Sidewalk Advocate Training

Jan 28, 2024 | Comments Off on Sidewalk Advocate Training
sidewalk advocate training

sidewalk advocate training

Pulse Life Advocates and Students for Life at Iowa State will be offering a ONE-DAY Sidewalk Advocate Training Class on Saturday, February 10th from 8:00am-2:00pm at Carver Hall in Room 101, Iowa State University.

The Sidewalk Advocates for Life is geared towards local communities who wish to employ a peaceful, prayerful, law-abiding approach in reaching out to women and men at abortion and abortion-referral facilities for services of whatever kind.

Join us as we learn how to humbly approach the most vulnerable of men and women with the love of Christ in a time of great need and desperation. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH PROVIDED.

WHEN: Saturday Feb. 10th – 8am-2pm

WHERE: Carver Hall, Room 101 – Iowa State University

RSVP by February 6th to – mdewitte@pulseforlife.org

SPEAKERS: Sheryl Schwager – Executive Director – Johnson County Right to Life


The impact of abortion on Iowa

Jan 23, 2024 | Comments Off on The impact of abortion on Iowa
State Senator Sandy Salmon

By State Senator, Sandy Salmon

State Senator Sandy Salmon

State Senator Sandy Salmon

Thank you all for coming out and showing your support for life. 

I was a senior in high school when Roe vs. Wade was decided. I have watched the pro-life movement for 50 years! I never thought I would see the day when Roe would be overturned!

But here we are! We are actually living in a post-Roe world!

When I came into office in 2012, Iowa law allowed abortion up to the moment of birth and Iowa taxpayers were subsidizing the abortion industry! This had been the case since the 70’s! Totally unacceptable!

Over the past 11 years we have made remarkable strides forward in the fight to protect life. There were a few setbacks but the net result has been moving forward.

  • 2014 – Ban on webcam abortion (struck down by court)
  • 2015 – Ultrasound requirement for abortion
  • 2017 – Ban on abortion at 20 weeks
  • 2017 – 72-hour waiting period requirement – (struck down by court)
  • 2017 – strengthened the ultrasound requirement and required full informed consent for abortion
  • 2017 – defunded abortionists in state Medicaid money
  • 2018 – “Heartbeat” law – (struck down by court)
  • 2018 – Ban on the sale of aborted baby body parts
  • 2018 – Prohibition on wrongful birth/life lawsuits
  • 2019 – defunded abortionists in federal grant money for sex education in schools
  • 2020 – Established a 24-hour waiting period requirement
  • 2020 – Alfie’s Law – courts cannot refuse life-sustaining treatments to a child over the parents’ objections
  • 2021 – Protect Life Constitutional Amendment passed the legislature – The Iowa Constitution establishes no right to an abortion nor any right to the funding of it
  • 2022 & 2023 – MOMS Bill – More Options for Maternal Support – state support for pregnancy resource centers that support healthy pregnancies, childbirth, and parenting instead of abortion
  • 2023 – Re-passed the Heartbeat Law – by even stronger majorities than the first time! – now awaiting Iowa Supreme Court decision

We have come a long way! But we still have a ways to go before unborn babies are fully protected! But we are definitely on our way and in the middle of the fight! We won’t stop until unborn children enjoy the protection of their constitutional right to life! Since Dobbs, a new chapter in the fight for life has begun! And we have just begun to fight!

There are so many times here at the Capitol as I hear so many lamenting and bemoaning the workforce shortages in numerous areas – manufacturing, health care, education, law enforcement – all tell us they need more people.  I often think that this problem goes back to simple demographics. We have allowed in the state of Iowa the slaughter of about 200,000 human beings through abortion that would now be of age to be in our workforce. If only half of them stayed in Iowa, we would have 100,000 more people today in our workforce. That would totally solve our problem of 80,000 jobs today looking for people. But they are not here – and it’s because we have allowed abortion.

As a state it is a foolish and misguided, as well as a wicked, policy to allow your citizens to lose their lives before they even see the light of day. Not only do we violate spiritual and moral law, we also violate economic law. An increase in prosperity needs an increase in population or we struggle. It’s as simple as that! Those telling us how badly they need more people ought to be the strongest supporters of the pro-life cause!

Justice never sleeps! It has a way of continuing to grind forward until it prevails. And justice will prevail! We will not give up! Unborn children will get the God-given protection for life because that is their right!

Thank you!

[State Senator Sandy Salmon gave this address at yesterday’s Prayer Rally at the Capital. Thanks to the Senator for permission to publish her remarks on Pulse’s blog. Be sure to subscribe today.]

Would you sell your soul for an abortion?

Jan 17, 2024 | Comments Off on Would you sell your soul for an abortion?
sell your soul

sell your soulThe Roman Catholic Church recognizes abortion as a grave sin. They are not alone. A broad swath of non-Catholic churches agree. One that disagrees with the Catholics is a Satanic temple in New Mexico, which offers to perform ‘Satanic Abortion Ceremonies’ for you, which raises the question: would you sell your soul for an abortion?

In a reflection of the depths to which the secular culture has fallen, Cosmopolitan Magazine touted Satanic abortion ceremonies on their social media outlets.

As background, Cosmo is published in 35 different languages and distributed in 100 different countries, targeting women 18 to 34. In other words, they target those in the child-bearing years (or prime abortion years, for those peddling abortions).

Not a fringe rag

This isn’t a fringe rag, it’s a mainstream publication with a lot of influence on women with its urban, cosmopolitan vibe. It is the largest womens magazine in North America.

Their social media post asks:

“So how dos a Satanic abortion ceremony even work? Patients of all faiths are welcome at Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic in New Mexico. Along with medical counsel, TST offers a free ceremonial supper to everyone. Abortion ceremonies are totally optional — and customizable.”

The social media posting provides a link to a full article in their online magazine.

Each page of the posting displays an upside down cross, displaying contempt for Christianity’s most sacred symbol, and meant to represent evil and attract dark forces.

The TST’s marketing goes on to state that:

“One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s will alone.”

How Christianity differs

Remember Protestant pastor Rick Warren’s best-selling book years ago, “The Purpose-Drive Life?” His first sentence captured the essence of Christianity: “It’s not about you.” In other words, Christianity is about selfless, sacrificial love.

Needless to say, Satanists disagree, proclaiming it IS all about you just as Planned Parenthood has maintained since well before the Roe v Wade decision.

Abortion is an act of supreme selfishness that separates participants from Christ, that is, it’s a mortal sin.

Pew Research Center listed the following summary of religious groups that oppose abortion rights with few or no exceptions:

  • African Methodist Episcopal Church
  • Assemblies of God
  • Roman Catholic Church
  • Church of Jesus Christ of  Latter-day Saints
  • Hinduism
  • Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
  • Southern Baptist Convention

As you might guess, members of these churches are less likely to read Cosmo than coastal elites.

Pulse became aware of Cosmo’s promotion of Satanic abortion ceremonies thanks to reporting by the Epoch Times. You can watch their video on the topic by clicking this link.

Why does this matter?

  1. Abortion is evil. Satanism embraces evil. Cosmopolitan magazine is mainstreaming evil.
  2. The Satanic Temple is recognized as a tax-exempt religious organization by the IRS. They believe their abortion ceremonies are protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. They want to create a religious loophole to enable women to get abortions, even in states that prohibit or only narrowly allow abortion in extreme circumstances. In other words, women professing membership in the Satanic Temple can claim that the abortion ceremony is part of their religion and protected by the Constitution. Even if they don’t believe in Satan, they have sold their souls in the name of abortion.
  3. More women (and men who pressure women into abortion) will go to Hell.

A horrific temptation

Cosmopolitan’s promotion of the Satanic Abortion Ceremonies is a horrific temptation for women in crisis pregnancies. They think abortion is an easy way out. It’s not. Not only is a unique human being killed in a grotesque act of violence, to sell one’s soul has eternal consequences.

Let us end on two positive notes:

  1. Have you had an abortion? If yes, abortion is a forgivable sin in the Roman Catholic Church through the beautiful sacrament of reconciliation. And loving groups, such as Rachel’s Vineyard provide a “safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion.”
  2. You’re not alone. The pro-life movement has worked tirelessly to create a wide range of resources for women in crisis pregnancies. Our website lists a ton of them here. For a list of Unplanned Pregnancy Resource Centers in Iowa, click here.

Loving help awaits you. Don’t wait. God has endowed you with an eternal soul of inestimable worth. Please, don’t sell yours for an abortion.

[Pulse Life Advocate’s website is packed with resources. Since you’re on it now, take a few minutes to browse through the site. Be sure to subscribe to this blog.]

Here’s what Governor DeSantis said at the Pulse Gala

Jan 12, 2024 | Comments Off on Here’s what Governor DeSantis said at the Pulse Gala
DeSantis quotes

Pulse Life Advocates was honored to have Florida Governor and presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis, speak at our Christmas Gala in November. With the Iowa Caucuses upon us this Monday night, let’s take a look back at what he had to say. Here are a few DeSantis quotes:

Talking about rights …

“Our country is based on the idea that our rights are endowed by God, beginning with the right to life, as well as the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is in the Declaration of independence.  That’s how our founders conceived of this country. It’s based on the idea that there is a higher power. And people throughout our history have recognized that.

When  you swear the oath to support and defend the constitution, it was framed against that backdrop in the Declaration of independence to say [that] this country is founded on that idea. Your rights do not come from government. They come from our creator, the Lord our God.”


“You have to have citizens that have a good foundation on American Freedom and understand that our rights come from God, not from government. I think people see that we are losing that.”


“But this is an important right: Parents rights. Making sure we’re educating, not indoctrinating. I think the success of this country hangs in the balance … “


“I never thought in a million years that anyone would ever use our children as vehicles to advance their ideology and their agenda. We always thought that the kids were hands off.”

Talking about conviction politics …

“When you are in a position of leadership, you know, why are you there? [Is it] to always choose the path of least political resistance? The way I’ve governed myself in terms of all this is: I just want to be able to look in the mirror and know I did the right thing for the right reason and to just let the chips fall where they may.  But you can’t contort yourself into a pretzel. You can’t try to be something that you are not. Just tell people what you believe and let her rip.”

Governor DeSantis has been unwavering in his pro-life convictions. If you’d like to take a deeper dive into what Governor DeSantis had to say at our banquet, his talk begins at the 57:55 mark in the video above.

See you at the caucuses Monday night!

[Have you watched our new video series, “How to Raise Pro-Life Children” yet? Click here to start watching now.]

Here’s what Trump said about abortion at last night’s Fox town hall

Jan 11, 2024 | Comments Off on Here’s what Trump said about abortion at last night’s Fox town hall
Fox town hall

Fox town hallRebecca, a mom of six from Ogden, Iowa, asked this question of Donald Trump at last night’s Fox town hall event at the Iowa Event Center (where Pulse held their Christmas Gala in November):

“For me, it all comes down to this question: between you, sir, and Ron DeSantis, you both talk a lot about pro-life, your record. That’s my number one issue and the cry of my heart … is justice for all people … and I’ve been vocal celebrating with you all of your pro-life victories from the past.

But in this campaign, you’ve blamed pro-lifers for some of the GOP losses around the country and you’ve called Heartbeat Laws, like Iowa’s, terrible. And so I’d like some clarity on this, because it’s such an important issue to me. I’d like you to reassure me that you can protect all life, every person’s right to life, without compromise.”

Trump’s response

Here’s the transcript of former president Trump’s response:

“So … it’s a great question, and I appreciate it … you wouldn’t ask that question, even talk about the issue, because for 54 years they were trying to get Roe v Wade terminated, and I did it, and I’m proud to have done it …

It was a miracle.

When I walked onto the stage today, a gentleman in the back … he probably works for Fox … nice guy … said, ‘sir, I’d like to thank you.’ I said, ‘for what?’ He said ‘you saved 2 million lives in the past three years.’

I said, ‘thank-you very much.’ I knew what he was saying. Two million lives. No one has done more in that regard than me.

Now, I happen to be for the exceptions, like Ronald Reagan, for the life of the mother, rape, incest. I have to be there, I feel. I think that somewhere like 78% of people polled … it was Ronald Reagan … he was for it, I was for it. But I will say this: you have to win elections. Otherwise, you’re going to be back to where you were. And you can’t let that ever happen again. Gotta win elections.

If you look at it, Ron DeSantis … I don’t know what he really believes. You never know with a politician. He’s just another politician as far as I’m concerned. But his poll numbers have gone down to a point where I think he’s going to be out of the race very soon. He’s going to be out very soon.

I watched him last night standing up in his shoes, his fancy shoes, he’s going to be out of the race some say before New Hampshire. I don’t know if that were the reason, I hope it’s not the reason, I hope it’s for other reasons, I can see a lot of other reasons why he shouldn’t be, but he’s doing very, very poorly. It happened to coincide with that because a lot of other people say that if you talk five or six weeks, a lot of women don’t know if they’re pregnant in five or six weeks.

I want to get something where people are happy. It’s been tearing our country apart for fifty years. Nobody’s been able to do anything. And again, you can only ask that question because … you ask it brilliantly, and I understand exactly where you’re coming from … I love where you’re coming from. But we’ve still got to win elections. And they’ve used this … you know we have some great Republicans and they’re great on the issues and you would love them on the issue, and a lot of them have just been decimated in the election. Decimated, I mean absolutely.

We’re going to come up with something people want and people like. I would love you … first, you’ve got to go with your heart, you have to go with your heart first, go with your heart, your mind, go with it. You do have to put in there a little bit, you do have to win elections. But if it weren’t for me, with Roe v Wade, you wouldn’t even be talking, asking the question.

Remember this: they are the radicals. We’re not the radicals. Because they’ll kill a baby. Remember, I had a debate with Crooked Hillary Clinton … I don’t call her ‘crooked’ anymore. I use that for Joe Biden, as you know. I call her Beautiful Hillary … she’s a beautiful woman. But in a debate with Hillary Clinton, I said, you know, she’s willing to rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month. And you know I never heard … it just came to me in that debate. I didn’t go up there thinking I was going to say that. And she even winced. Nobody wants to see that happening after a period of time. Nobody. They’re the radicals, because they’re willing to kill the baby in eight months, nine months, maybe even after birth. If you remember the former governor of Virginia, where he said, you kill the baby after the ninth month or even after you set the baby aside, and you have a conversation with the mother, and if the conversation … can you imagine?

These are the radicals. They are the radicals. We are not the radicals. But we’re living in a time when there has to be a little bit of concession one way or another. I want to get it right. But without what I did, you would never be asking the question because there was no chance that was going to happen.

For 54 years, they campaigned on that issue and nobody pulled it off but me. So I think you’re going to be happy in the end.

Thank-you very much.”


This blog has a few quick reactions:

  1. Yes, Mr. Trump deserves credit for appointing Constitutional judges who exposed the fraudulent thinking behind Roe, and who overturned it. We have no problem with him reiterating his contribution to this wonderful court decision.
  2. Trump is wrong that abortion is a losing political issue, and that it is hurting Ron DeSantis, as this blog has reported on before.
  3. The key is to remain on offense, as Trump did with Hillary Clinton in 2016. Trump has back-pedaled on the abortion issue this cycle, while DeSantis has remained on offense. Trump is correct that it is the other side that are the radicals, totally out-of-step with even rank and file members of their own party. THAT is what he should focus on. THAT is what Ron DeSantis has been doing.

Interestingly, the woman above who asked the question of Trump used to work for conservative talk show host, Steve Deace. We reached out to Steve to get his reaction to Trump’s abortion response in last night’s Fox town hall:

Steve Deace’s reaction

“Trump is clearly trying to make the GOP a pro-choice political party. He

Steve Deace

blamed pro-lifers, falsely, for the disappointing 2022 midterms that his candidates often failed to win. He’s attacked pro-life legislation, like Iowa’s heartbeat bill. And he gives non-committal answers, at best, when pressed by pro-lifers on the primary campaign trail. Trump clearly believes pro-lifers care more about him and having a seat at his table than babies, and he may sadly turn out to be right. There are reasons why it took us 50 years to get our stuff together and overturn Roe, despite all of our collective passion for a generation. Also note that one of Trump’s long-time confidants, Roger Stone, spent many years trying to get pro-life planks out of the GOP’s national platform back in the day.”

What do you think?

[Abortion hurts women, kills their kids, and tears families apart. What should YOU do about it? Watch our video series, “How to Raise Pro-Life Children” and change the culture.]

Let’s usher in a Year of Gratitude #3

Jan 5, 2024 | Comments Off on Let’s usher in a Year of Gratitude #3
year of gratitude

The Sisters of Life sent us their latest publication titled, “The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude.” You’ll recall that they spoke at our Christmas Gala a year ago. There is power in gratitude, as their publication points out, so much so that Pulse Life Advocates believes now is the time to usher in a year of gratitude.

Some of the most famous saints talked of the power of gratitude, for example:

St. Therese of Lisieux: “Gratitude is the thing that brings us the most grace.”

St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier: “Gratitude is the memory of the heart.”

St. Gianna Beretta Molla: “The secret of happiness is to … thank God for what He is sending us every day in His goodness.

St. Ignatius of Loyola: “Ingratitude is the cause, beginning, and origin of all sins and misfortunes.”

St. Bernard of Clairvaux: “Ingratitude is the greatest hindrance to progress in the spiritual life.”

St. Augustine: “Ingratitude is the root of all evil.”

“Happiness is a serious problem”

Talk show host, Dennis Prager, wrote a best-selling book in 1998 titled, “Happiness is a Serious Problem.” In it, he said that each of us has a moral responsibility to be happy, and that gratitude is foundational to happiness:

“Gratitude is the basis for happiness and goodness. You cannot be a good person if you are not grateful. Everything good flows from gratitude and everything bad flows from ingratitude. If you’re not grateful, you walk around thinking you’re a victim. A sense of victimhood in you or your group is the single biggest reason people commit evil.”

You can watch more of Prager’s views on gratitude above.

Years ago, we attended a Mass said by the late Fr. James Kiernan who encouraged us to get down on our knees each night before bedtime and thank God for the gift of our life.

Fr. Kiernan’s supplication resonates more than ever, as a record 50,000 people committed suicide in the U.S. last year. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for 20 to 24 year olds.

Worse, we aborted the lives of roughly another 800,000 unique human beings last year.

Fight back with an attitude of gratitude

This ingratitude for life causes so much evil. Let’s fight back by making 2024 the year of gratitude.

Let the words of the great G.K. Chesterton inspire us:

“At the back of our brains … [there is] a forgotten blaze or burst of astonishment at our own existence. The object of the artistic and spiritual life [is] to dig for this submerged sunrise of wonder; so that a man sitting in a chair might suddenly understand that he [is] actually alive, and be happy.”

Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Jesus is Life. Each abortion, each suicide, denies Christ.

Let us affirm the Way and the Truth he showed us by demonstrating our gratitude for the gift of Life. 2024 is a beautiful year to begin. What a great new year’s resolution!

Happy New Year.

[Join us in our life-affirming mission. Donate today. We are grateful for the support of all of our stakeholders.]

Top ten blogposts of 2023

Jan 3, 2024 | Comments Off on Top ten blogposts of 2023
global boiling

Pulse Life Advocates published 72 blogposts in 2023 on issues ranging from the political to the cultural to the religious.

Here are the top ten:

“Thank-you” and “F*#@ you!”

“How many children have YOU adopted?!” #2

Pro-Life is a winning political issue

Christians and Contraception

A scary and subversive movie opens on April 14th

How to reframe the abortion debate

Iowans are Pro-Life

Anti-Catholic bigotry is epidemic

Global ‘boiling’ is bad for the planet’s sanity

What kind of people can celebrate the mutilation of babies?