Would you join us in prayer at the Capitol on February 6th?
Dear Fellow Pro-Life Warrior:
Prayer holds the pro-life movement together. It fuels our ability to persevere in the face of setbacks, and to ultimately triumph. That’s why Pulse Life Advocates and our allies in the pro-life movement pray together. We want you to be a part of our shared prayer. To that end, would you join us at the 2023 Iowa Prayer Rally For Life?
Here are the details:
DATE: Monday, February 6th
PLACE: Iowa State Capitol Rotunda
11AM to 2PM: Meet the members of the Iowa Coalition of pro-life leaders. They’ll have tables set up in the rotunda. Ask them how YOU can join the effort and save BOTH babies and mothers in Iowa.
11AM to Noon: Go to Room 305 to learn how to lobby. Make your voice heard. We promise you, Planned Parenthood has trained their acolytes. We have assembled veteran lobbyists who will show you exactly how to properly influence public officials.
Noon to 1PM: Be inspired. You’ll hear from Iowa’s pro-life leaders on the latest efforts to save babies’ lives; you’ll hear from and encourage legislators who are standing up to defend life; and you’ll join local clergy in powerful prayer at the focal point of where Iowa public policy is decided.
We’ve invited the following speakers: Governor Kim Reynolds; Senator Kevin Alons; Senator Mark Costello; Representative Luana Stoltenberg; and Reverend Dr. Jim Lamb, a Lutheran Family Service Life Advocate.
Let’s rock the house with prayer!
1PM to 2PM: Go lobby your Senator and Representative.
The 2023 Iowa Prayer Rally for Life is sponsored by a ‘who’s who’ of Iowa pro-life leaders, including:
- Pulse Life Advocates
- Iowa Right to Life
- The Family Leader
- Lutheran Family Service
- Personhood Iowa
- Operation Outcry
- Thomas More Society
- Iowa Catholic Conference
- Restored By Grace
- Dubuque County Right to Life
These groups comprise the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders, whose motto is:
Standing firm in God’s truth for life.
Prayer is the foundation of the pro-life movement. This movement needs YOUR prayers more than ever. Please … join us at the 2023 Iowa Prayer Rally for Life on February 6th.
Maggie DeWitte, Executive Director