The Holy Family Novena: Day Four
The Holy Family is the “soul” solution for a wounded world. Abortion wounds women, men, and their children. Even more, it wounds families.
When men and women live in a holy family with God at its center, each member flourishes while the incidence of abortion drops.
Pulse Life Advocates asks you to pray this Novena over the next 9 days to ask God for blessings upon your family, as well as upon our Holy Family webinar, which begins Sunday, March 6th at 7PM.
The free webinar will run over four successive Sunday evenings at 7PM through March 27th. Each episode runs about 50 minutes. Advance registration is required here.
As we’ve written, the family is the “pay it forward” system. Women, men, and children ALL fare better within this structure when mom and dad are married. As Dr. Peter Kreeft writes in “Food for the Soul:”
“The family is the single most important institution on earth. All the happiest, most peaceful, and most enduring societies in history have had a deep respect for the family. It is the first place where we learn life’s most important lesson: unselfish love, the love that consists in the gift of your very self and life to others.”
Our Novena begins with a quote followed by prayer.
Thank-you for joining us in this Holy Family Novena.
“The charity which burned in the household at Nazareth should be an inspiration for every family. All the Christian virtues should flourish in the family, unity should thrive, and the example of its virtuous living should shine brightly.” Pope John XXIII
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Family, you were close to our Heavenly Father on Earth, uniting your wills to His, and are now close to Him in Heaven. I ask that you intercede with Him on my behalf.
(Mention your intentions here)
Mary, Mother of God, your primary vocation was bearing and raising your Child and for that, you are venerated among all women. Pray for God’s blessings upon all people whose primary work is in the home. May they see the great dignity of their work especially when it seems mundane or monotonous.
Holy Family, you who once walked this Earth, accompany my family as we strive to follow your example by walking in your footsteps.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
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[The Holy Family Webinar is free and begins Sunday, March 6th at 7PM. Watch a preview below. You must register in advance so we can email you a link to view. Register here.]