The Heartbeat Law Saves Lives


[The Des Moines Register published Pulse Executive Director, Maggie DeWitte’s, op-ed in their October 6th edition. Here is her complete text.]

Iowa on the Right Path in Protecting Women and Babies

A pro-life family at this year’s Life Chain

A recent poll by the Des Moines Register suggests that Iowans oppose our recently passed Heartbeat Law. They are using this poll to rally support in voting out the Republicans that supported this protection for Iowa families.  But they aren’t stopping there; they are stating the only way for women to be free is to be able to kill their unborn child.

How absurd.  

The first question of this poll was:

“Iowa law currently bans abortion around the sixth week of pregnancy.  Do you favor or oppose that law?”

Iowa doesn’t have a six-week abortion ban. 

Iowa has a law that states when a baby’s heartbeat can be detected via an abdominal ultra-sound, an abortion cannot be performed. The detection of this fetal heartbeat varies from woman to woman, ranging from six to ten weeks.  Starting the poll with such an inaccurate question, taints the entire poll.  

In the editorial, Opinion: Most Iowans back abortion rights.  Vote out the Republicans who took them away, they actually called this life-saving law, which actually protects human life at an early stage, dehumanizing. They assert that it bans abortions before women know they are pregnant. 

How insulting to women.

Do they really think that women are too stupid to know their own bodies?  

What IS dehumanizing is abortion, NOT the law trying to save mothers and babies.  This law reflects what science reveals; from the moment of fertilization, a new unique human being has been created.  A life that deserves equal protection.

This editorial suggests that the answer is to vote out Republicans and vote in Democrats.  Are Democrats really in line with the values of Iowans?  

No.  In fact, many Democrats do not support the radical position of their own party, defined by abortion-on-demand with no restrictions up to the point of birth, and even beyond. AND they want the taxpayers to fund it.  

Marist Poll results

According to a 2024 Marist poll, 66% of Americans support placing legal limits on abortion.  Additionally, 83% support pregnancy resource centers that help women before, during and after their pregnancy.  The Democratic party calls them ‘fake clinics’ and does not want them receiving any government funding.

These Pregnancy Resource Centers, over fifty-five across the state of Iowa, have provided countless services to women and families who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy. According to the Charlotte Lozier Institute, their recent survey reported that Pregnancy Centers across the country provided over $350 million of Services and Goods.

This same poll states that two-thirds of Americans believe healthcare professionals with religious objections to abortions should not be legally required to perform them.  The Democratic party does not believe in conscience-protection for doctors and nurses and believe abortion is a fundamental right.  

Abortion isn’t the answer

We must give Iowa a vision in which they see that abortion isn’t the answer.  Killing an unborn child in the womb will solve nothing.  Abortion is violent, traumatic, and barbaric.  It is not freedom, but enslavement. It won’t end poverty, but rather creates more poverty.  It won’t end inequality but creates more inequality.  It won’t end mental health issues but creates more mental health issues.  It’s never the answer and it’s never the solution.  

Abortion Hurts Women: We Don’t Need Abortion.  In a civilized society, every human being deserves the law’s protection. And that law shouldn’t limit your protection based on your size or location. The Heartbeat law is a big step in that direction.  I believe a woman’s life should be protected.  And I also believe that a baby’s life, a life that has her own DNA, fingerprints, and beating heart, should be protected.