Respect Life Novena Day Seven Prayer
Our Novena comes from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops who encourage us to invoke three powerful pro-life witnesses on behalf of the cause.
We invoked Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton the first three days of our Novena and Saint John Neumann for the next three days. Now we turn to Saint Frances Cabrini. According to the USCCB:
“Frances Cabrini was born in a little village in Lombardy in 1850, so fragile at birth that she was brought immediately to Church to be baptized. While from her youth she dreamed only of being a missionary, she was three times rejected when applying to a convent. Yet in her years of religious life she founded an order, 70 orphanages, schools and hospitals, scattered over eight countries in Europe North, South, and Central America.”
Saint Frances Cabrini,
In every corner of hemisphere
you sought out those whom everyone had forgotten.
Mother of immigrants, friend of orphans, protector of the poor,
intercede for us who seek to follow your example.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mother of immigrants;
Give us a love for the lives of all who are rejected or forgotten.
Mother of the oppressed;
Inspire us to work for justice and the protection of all life.
Mother of the lost;
Inspire us to seek out all whose lives are forgotten.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory to the Father …
Check back tomorrow for our Day Eight Prayer. And thank-you for supporting the cause of Life with your prayers.