How abortion affects the rest of your life
The culture says abortion leaves your mind and body unaffected. Scientists disagree. Post abortive trauma is common.
Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy? You need to know two critical pieces of information right now:
- You can get help. You’re not alone. You have healthy options beyond abortion.
- Abortion affects you forever. But even if you’d had one, there’s help. Keep reading.
Let’s deal with #2 first.
Post abortive trauma
Scientists have conducted comprehensive research on what abortion does to you in the long run. The info that follows is based on a huge sample of 163,831 women who have abortions. Here is their experience:
• Women who have had an abortion have an 81% higher risk of subsequent mental health problems compared to women who have not had an abortion.
• Women who aborted have a 138% higher risk of mental health problems compared to women who have given birth.
• Women who aborted have a 55% higher risk of mental health problems compared to women with an “unplanned” pregnancy who gave birth.
• Women with a history of abortion have higher rates of anxiety (34% higher), depression (37%), alcohol use/misuse (110%), marijuana use (230%), and suicidal behavior (155%), compared to those who have not had an abortion.
Have you had an abortion?
Were you forced to have one? Sixty-four percent of women who have had abortions were forced into it.
Are you feeling its effects in any way? Laura Limmex can help you. She is Executive Director of Restored by Grace Ministries. She has been in your shoes.
Here is her experience in counseling post-abortive women:
“Many women look back years later, after choosing an abortion, and realize the excuses they relied on clouded their decision making process. The excuses make no sense:
They WOULD have had support.
They WOULD have financially made it.
They WOULD have been a great mom. They realize they bought into a lie about their situation and what it meant for their future.”
Laura is one of the people who bought into the lie:
“I share as a woman who has had an abortion and has counseled many others following their decision to have an abortion. What seems like a hopeless situation really has the potential to be one of great joy regardless if you parent or choose to bless through adoption. And I would encourage women to check into all the resources available through the various life affirming organizations in the state of Iowa.”
You can confidentially connect with Laura right now if you need someone to talk to about your abortion. Don’t wait. You’re putting yourself and future children at risk if you do.
Post-abortive trauma affects the way you raise your kids
According to researchers, women who have had abortions are 144% more likely to physically abuse their children than women who have not had abortions. If you’re concerned this applies to you, seek help. Healing awaits you.
Don’t believe it? Abby was in your shoes:
“Growing up in a Catholic family that attended Mass every Sunday, I never expected that I, of all people, would be in this situation. I convinced myself that I had committed an unforgivable act.
I felt utterly alone.
I desperately needed to connect with other women who were suffering as I was, and I longed to be the woman I used to be.
And then one fateful Sunday morning during Mass, my husband handed me a church bulletin, pointing out the words on the back: “Project Rachel — a program for post-abortion healing through the archdiocese.” I couldn’t believe my eyes…
…Thanks to Project Rachel, I am me again.
…Project Rachel literally lit the path for me. From the moment I arrived at the retreat house, the warmth of God’s love engulfed me. Furthermore, I was able to connect with other women who knew the despair that I knew, and we were able to experience the joy of receiving the gifts of hope and healing together. I actually feel lighter. The power of forgiveness is life altering. I am happy again, and the people whom I love sense that. I will always regret my decision, and I will continue to carry my quiet secret with me. It has become a part of who I am, but it no longer defines who I am.”
You can read her entire story here.
There IS help
As you can see, abortion does affect you forever, but there IS help for post abortive trauma.
There absolutely is help.
Here are resources that can and will make a difference in the lives of post-abortive women:
Project Rachel: Hope After Abortion
We’ve given you a lot to chew on today.
Check back tomorrow. We’ll talk about positive options other than abortion for women experiencing unplanned pregnancies.