Mark your calendar for Life Chain 2023: October 1st
Life Chain 2023 takes place on Sunday, October 1st from 2PM to 3:30PM. For the second year in a row, the event takes place at 35th & University Avenue in Des Moines. But you’ll pick up your signs at:
Des Moines Fellowship Church • 950 35th Street • Des Moines, IA (just south of Kingman Blvd.) • 2PM to 3:30PM
Abortion zealots are loud and profane. You have an opportunity to diffuse their invective with quiet prayer at Life Chain 2023. Life Chain 2023 provides you with a prayerful opportunity to stand up for society’s most vulnerable people, the unborn, in the public square.
Life Chain 2023 allows you to pray in gratitude for recent pro-life victories, including the overturning of Roe v Wade and the Iowa Supreme Court’s judicial correction of the Reynolds decision.
As people drive by, several things occur:
- Fellow pro-lifers can see that they’re not alone. You give them courage to be even bolder in their defense of our unborn brothers and sisters.
- Moderate pro choice supporters notice how loving and peaceful the pro-life movement is, in contrast to zealous abortion advocates who curse and make obscene gestures. Love is the most powerful weapon for opposing human abortion.
- And more than a few hardcore abortion zealots may feel their consciences squirm seeing such a Godly, loving expression of support for the weakest members of our society: the unborn.
If you’re a shy person who doesn’t feel comfortable talking about abortion with your pro-abortion family and friends, Life Chain 2023 is the perfect way to stand up in the public square for your convictions. God will smile upon your efforts. So will the 66 million victims of abortion from their perch in heaven.
RECAP: Life Chain 2023, Sunday, October 1st, 2 to 3:30 PM, Des Moines Fellowship Church, 950-35th Street, Des Moines, IA.