Rosary for the City of Des Moines.

May 13, 2024 | Comments Off on Rosary for the City of Des Moines.

Does abortion really help to expand our workforce?

May 9, 2024 | Comments Off on Does abortion really help to expand our workforce?
Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand
Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand

Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand

The headline exposes how ludicrous our conversations in the public square have become. Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand tweeted out the following:

“Growing our workforce is one of Iowa’s biggest economic challenges. 8 years of total Republican control of lawmaking is not helping.”

Mr. Sand, a member of the Democratic Party, was reacting to a CNBC tweet that said,

“Abortion bans drive away up to half of young talent, new CNBC/Generation Lab youth survey finds.”

So in Sand’s view, Republicans are responsible.

Let’s take a closer and see if killing off our future workforce via abortion is a good way to increase our workforce.

The states with the most inbound migration are:

1. Texas, where abortion is banned, except in cases involving the Mother’s health.

2. Florida, which passed a Heartbeat Law.

3. Georgia, which passed a Heartbeat Law.

4. South Carolina, where abortion is banned at 6 weeks.

5. Tennessee, where abortion is banned, with limited exceptions.

The states with the most outbound migration are:

1. New York, which has an unqualified right to abortion up to 24 weeks.

2. California, with abortion at viability, with broad exceptions.

3. Illinois, with abortion at viability, with broad exceptions.

4. New Jersey, with no limits on abortion.

5. Massachusetts with abortion available up to 23 weeks and 6 days.

6. Maryland, no limits on abortion.

Iowa ranked 30th on the list, losing 2.16% of its population between 2020 and 2022. Of course, abortion has nothing to do with it, as our current abortion laws on the book are abortions banned at 20 weeks, not much better than New York’s 24 week limit. (That may change if the Iowa Supreme Court lifts the injunction on the Heartbeat Bill next month.)

To review, people are flocking to states that restrict abortion to 6 weeks or less at the same time they are fleeing states that allow it up to 21 weeks and beyond.

If these demographic trends continues, says the Wall Street Journal, these pro-abortion states will lose 12 Congressional seats in the 2030 reapportionment. 

Maybe abortion isn’t the losing issue conventional wisdom proclaims.

So it appears Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand has it kind of backward. When an actual audit of each state’s population is made, people are voting with their feet and moving to red (pro-life) states over blue (pro-abortion) states.

Perhaps killing off future workers using the Blue Party’s tactic (abortion) isn’t as good of an idea as Rob Sand thinks.

“A society that hates life won’t last”

May 1, 2024 | Comments Off on “A society that hates life won’t last”
uglification of art

uglification of artThe headline above comes from Saturday’s Wall Street Journal column by Peggy Noonan. Her piece focused on the ‘uglification’ of art. She cited several examples, and provided some keen insights on this accelerating phenomenon:

“The ugliness seemed a deliberate artistic decision … And for all that there is something smug about it, as if they’re looking down from some great, unearned height.”

So why is art getting so ugly, and what does it have to do with the pro-life movement? Noonan’s perspective warrants reflection:

“Here is something sad about modern artists: They are held back by a lack of limits.”

Without limits, art gets ugly as the basest elements of the human condition take over.

The great G.K. Chesterton, who studied art as a young man, put it this way:

“Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere.”

Art needs boundaries. Says Chesterton in “Orthodoxy”:

“Art is limitation; the essence of every picture is the frame. If you draw a giraffe, you must draw him with a long neck. If in your bold creative way you hold yourself free to draw a giraffe with a short neck, you will really find that you are not free to draw a giraffe.”

Seeking truth

It’s as if something has blinded the modern artist from seeing the Truth. And yet art is all about revealing something truthful. The artists lionized by popular culture today are characterized by their lack of recognition of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Thus, the uglification of art.

The milieu in which modern movie makers, musicians and artists move is characterized by a lack of appreciation for God’s greatest work of art: man. If you don’t appreciate God’s creation, the one made in His very image, your art will be characterized by self-loathing.

This is why contemporary art bothers the likes of Noonan, and perhaps you, too. Says Noonan:

“It can’t be good for us. Because it speaks of self-hatred, and a society that hates itself, and hates life, won’t last. Because it gives those who are young nothing to love and feel soft about. Because we need beauty to keep our morale up.

Because life isn’t merde [look it up], in spite of what our entertainment geniuses say.”

Just last month, the New York Times ran a headline to confirm Noonan’s thesis:

“Led by its youth, U.S. sinks in World Happiness Report. For the first time since the first World Happiness Report was issued in 2012, the United States was not ranked among the world’s top 20 happiest countries. The drop was driven by people under 30.”

These under 30s consume most of our culture’s art. No wonder they aren’t happy. And no wonder our birthrate continues to plummet, reaching an historic low in 2022. Our youth have been told that God’s most beautiful creation is actually a disease.

What to do

What do we do about it? Let’s create real art, and support it. Real art seeks to reveal truth, even if it is ugly. Fake art seeks to reveal ugliness, even it it’s a lie.

Truth is the objective of real art.

As the poet John Keats wrote:

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all

Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

And before Keats, Plato said:

“Beauty is the splendor of truth.”

Pulse believes that a society that loves life will thrive spiritually, morally, and economically. That’s why we just hosted our “Women of Worth” musical event last month. It blended dance, music, and theater together to celebrate the beauty of women in history and our lives.

God loves creativity. He told us that in the very beginning, right in the Book of Genesis (1:31):

“And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.”

Pulse is working hard to create a state that loves life. We use many approaches, including the creative arts. Join us in making Iowa a state that loves life.

[Promote the good, the true, and the beautiful. Give $25 today.]

Maggie DeWitte’s speech at Life Wins

Apr 30, 2024 | Comments Off on Maggie DeWitte’s speech at Life Wins
Life Wins

Life Wins

[This is Maggie DeWitte’s Life Wins speech delivered on Saturday, April 27th]:

When I first got the news that the Planned Parenthood on Army Post Road was closing, I couldn’t believe it.  It was sort of the same immediate reaction I had when seeing the ruling on the US Supreme Court decision on my computer screen that Roe v. Wade had been overturned.  And when it sunk in, it was pure bliss.  Peace and joy.

Being in the pro-life movement is not for the faint of heart.  You have to have a lot of grit and determination to keep going in this fight.  And when successes seem few and far between, we hold on tight and ride them for as long as we can.  And that is what we are doing here today.  It is absolutely right and fitting that we celebrate the largest PP abortion mill in Iowa shuttering its doors.

This clinic opened at this location in 2004.  For twenty years, it has been a source of death and destruction.  The sobering reality is that over the last 20 years, 19,170 of our preborn brothers and sisters have lost their lives in that facility.  Let that number sink in a minute.  It’s hard to wrap our minds around that number; it’s bigger than the population of most Iowa towns.  Wiped off the map.  And the damage of each mother who made that decision.  

So goodbye to you forever place of death. I know many of you have joined me over the years on that sidewalk in blistering heat and freezing cold.  We will not miss that one bit!

And so, as that chapter ends, a new one begins.  Just like the overturning of Roe did not mean abortion was gone; the closing of this clinic does not mean the end of abortions in Des Moines.  

We have been blessed to have a reprieve since February when they closed for good.  But here is where our new battle starts.  When abortions stopped in Des Moines, they shifted to the PP clinic in Ames.  I have spent a lot of time on the sidewalk up there and I will tell you that parking lot is full every time; being on ISU campus they are bringing young girls in like droves.  

Additionally, PP plans to consolidate their two referral locations in Urbandale and Drake into one location just down the street from its current site on Drake campus.  Abortions will once again be offered.

And so, the fight continues.  And we are preparing.  In also trying to look on the bright side of things, this new location in Drake will afford us an opportunity we never had at the Army Post Rd. location: an opportunity to provide sidewalk counseling.  I offered a training in Ames last February and will be offering another training here in Des Moines this August. Please visit my table to pick up a flyer.  

We want to equip you with the tools and skills to talk to these women as they enter the clinic and offer them another option.  To offer them a real choice!  

The other bright hope is that by June we will have a decision on our twice passed Heartbeat law.  We pray and take courage and trust in Christ.

If you are sitting here today and hearing the roller coaster of the highs and lows of pro-life here in Iowa, I will leave you with the words from our Father in Heaven who alone can provide our solace:

“Let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.  For the sake of the joy that lay before him he endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God.  Consider how he endured such opposition from sinners, in order that you may not grow weary and lose heart.”

Friends, keep pressing on.  We’ve got this.  And Christ has us.  Victory!

God Bless!

I would now like to introduce Father Nick Stark pastor at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Carlisle to provide our closing prayer.  

[Did you like this blogpost? Donate $5 today.]

2024 Legislative session ends with a whimper

Apr 23, 2024 | Comments Off on 2024 Legislative session ends with a whimper
Life at Conception Bill

Life at Conception BillThe legislative session ended in the early morning hours of Saturday April 20, 2024.   It was a disappointing session for the pro-life movement.  While we appreciate the extra effort our legislators took to have a special session last summer to re-pass our Heartbeat bill once again, this session produced very little in terms of the life issues.  Here is what passed for this session:

SF 2251 Expands Medicaid Coverage for One Year Post-Partum 

SF 2252 MOMS (More Options for Maternal Support) Program

HF 2276 Requires Zoning of Maternity Homes as Residential Property

Get more details on this year’s legislative session here.

Everything you wanted to know about Planned Parenthood*

Apr 20, 2024 | Comments Off on Everything you wanted to know about Planned Parenthood*
Planned Parenthood report card

Planned Parenthood report card

*But were afraid to ask

Planned Parenthood just released their 2023 annual report. The average pro-lifer doesn’t have time to wade through page after page of charts and numbers. Don’t worry, we did it for you and present it in an easy-to-understand Q & A format. Here is the Planned Parenthood report card for 2023:

How many abortions did Planned Parenthood perform in 2023?

Actually, the data in their new report refers to 2021 and 2022, in which they performed 392,715 abortions, a record. That’s about 40% of all abortions performed in the U.S.

So, is their abortion business increasing?

Yes. It increased by more than 18,000 abortions from the year before, an increase of some 20% over the past ten reports, according the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Has the surge in their abortion business allowed them to expand the scope of authentic reproductive health screenings?

No. Preventative-care visits plummeted by 31 percent; pap tests dropped 13.5 percent; and cancer screenings ticked down 1.4 percent.

So does the Planned Parenthood report card indicate how big a part abortion plays in their business?

According to Charlotte Lozier, “abortions made up 97.1% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy resolution services,” quite a contradiction to their assertion that abortion accounts for just 3% of their services.

Does Planned Parenthood provide adoption referrals?

Rarely. They refer one baby for adoption for every 228 performed abortions.

What is the longterm trend line for Planned Parenthood?

The Planned Parenthood report card shows total services are down 17%; cancer and preventative services dropped by 71%; breast exams dropped by 72%; pap tests dropped 74%; prenatal services are down 80% from their peak in 2009; and contraceptive services are down 39%. The trend line reveals an organization focusing on their abortion business at the same time they’re allowing their pre-natal services to whither away.

Does this mean they’re receiving less money from the federal government?

No, just the opposite. Taxpayers funded Planned Parenthood to the tune of $699.3 million, 34% of their entire overall revenue. This represents an increase of 43% since 2010 and a 4.2% increase over the previous year. At a time when the United State’s fertility rate is below replacement level, American taxpayers are increasingly compelled to fund Planned Parenthood’s growing abortion machine. As the chart below from Charlotte Lozier shows, Planned Parenthood’s government funding and abortion business continues to grow at the same time their number of patients continues to fall.

Planned Parenthood report card

So is Planned Parenthood really a health-care provider?

No. The Planned Parenthood report card reveals abortion is its mission, not healthcare. And abortion has nothing to do with health.

[If you find this report helpful, support Pulse Life Advocates with your donation today.]

What does Pulse do, anyway?

Apr 16, 2024 | Comments Off on What does Pulse do, anyway?
Maggie DeWitte testifies at the State Capitol
Protect Life Amendment public hearing

Pulse executive director, Maggie DeWitte, testifies at the Capitol.

What does Pulse Life Advocates do day in and day out? 

You may have given us money (thank-you!) and want to know how we use it. 

You may be in a crisis pregnancy trying to figure out your next step. 

Maybe you’re trying to sort out your feelings about the abortion issue and need hard data and insightful info on the emotional, physical, and spiritual implications of aborting unborn human beings.

Whatever the reason, Pulse is busy on behalf of unborn babies.

We believe in the dignity of human life from the instant of fertilization to natural death. To that end, we maintain an unrelenting schedule to end abortion in Iowa and beyond.

We engage with governors, legislators, media, churches, students, pastors, bishops, women in crisis pregnancies, men’s groups, women’s groups, schools, teachers, principals, moms, dads, grandparents, and more providing them factual information on the life and death issue of abortion.

Big Abortion may have us out-financed, but they certainly can’t out-hustle us!

Here is a partial list of what we’ve done since the first of the year:

√ Took two busloads of students to the March for Life in Washington DC

√ Co-sponsored the Prayer Rally at the Capitol

√ Prayed in front of Planned Parenthood on 6 different dates during 40 Days for Life.

√ Testified before 13 legislative hearings (above)

√ Chaired 6 meetings of the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders

√ Sponsored the Women of Worth pro-life musical event which helped support Mary’s Helping Hands

√ Spoke on pro-life matters before multiple groups.

√ Spoke at the Man-Up West Power Lunch

√ Met with the Governor for the signing of the Abortion Recovery Month Proclamation.

√ Attended the Dubuque County Right to Life annual dinner

√ Interviewed by the media 15 times

√ Became certified to provide sidewalk advocacy training

√ Sponsored Sidewalk Advocacy Training at Iowa State

√ Honored and promoted World Down Syndrome Day

√ Launched our “How to Raise Pro-Life Children” video series

√ Published 25 blogposts on what’s happening politically and culturally in the pro-life arena

√ Presented our Respect Life Curriculum to Des Moines Catholic Diocesan teachers and administrators

√ Gifted our Whole Life Curriculum to three parochial schools

√ Co-hosted Faith on Trial with Deacon Mike Manno on Iowa Catholic Radio

√ Planning the 2024 Iowa March for Life (coming June 22nd)

√ Attended the Heartbeat bill oral arguments before the Iowa Supreme Court

√ Organized Dowling Catholic’s pro-life group to meet legislators and tour the Capitol.

√ Co-sponsored the veneration of Our Lady of Guadalupe image at multiple locations

√ Purchased booth space to display pro-life materials at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Spring kick-off event

√ Co-sponsored the upcoming Life Wins Event Celebration (April 27th)

√ Dramatically expanded the content of our website with new info for women in crisis pregnancies; abortion pill reversal content; an entire new family support page; and a new page on abortion procedures so women know what they’re getting into if they choose abortion.

So what does Pulse do? A lot.

If you’ve supported us financially, thank-you. THIS is how your financial support is used.

If you’re not supporting us financially, and if you like the direction we’ve taken, can you begin supporting us today? Dollars matter. Even $10 or $20 a month helps, and we make it easy to set up monthly giving here.

Pulse Life Advocates won’t stop what we’re doing until abortion is simply a bad memory from a dark period in our nation’s history.

[Help end abortion. Donate now.]

Tom Quiner’s Man-Up West Presentation

Apr 14, 2024 | Comments Off on Tom Quiner’s Man-Up West Presentation

Pulse board president, Tom Quiner, spoke at Man-Up on Mark Twain’s book on Joan of Arc.


Who is the greatest college women’s basketball player? Duh! Caitlin Clark.

Who is the most noble person who ever lived?

If you asked Mark Twain that question, his response would’ve been instant: Joan of Arc. Said the great writer, Joan of Arc is “the most noble life that was ever born into this world save only One.”

Joan of Arc really touched the heart of a cynical man who considered his 1886 novel, “Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc,” to be his masterpiece, despite his hostility towards Catholicism. 

He conceded that he had been “educated to enmity toward everything that is Catholic.” And yet he spent a dozen years researching and writing a most reverent and riveting narrative on the life of a 15th century peasant girl whose greatness was defined by her Catholic faith.

Mark Twain’s novel is more relevant than ever, because the essence of Joan’s saintliness is needed more than ever. And what is this essence? Faith. Trust. Courage.

C.S. Lewis tells us in the Screwtape Letters that “Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means at the point of highest reality.”

Joan of Arc lived this reality:

“Go forward bravely. Fear nothing. Trust in God; all will be well.”

She said:

“I am not afraid; I was born to do this.”

Joan of Arc’s life was a miracle. Born in lowly circumstances, she was uneducated but strong in her faith. At the age of 13, she began to hear voices from God. The voices included angels and saints who presented her with a directive: free France from English occupation.

The voices, which included those of the angels Michael and Gabriel, and Saints Margaret and Catherine of Alexandria, provided counsel to help Joan govern herself. But by the time she reached the age of seventeen, her voices’ directive expanded to liberating France from the English. And she did it, at a steep price. 

Pulse Life Advocates believe that Joan’s example of utter faith in God and the courage to trust his promptings are immediately relevant to our age. We see the need in the pro-life movement. Imagine: if a single Catholic teenage girl relying on nothing other than faith in God could liberate an entire country, just think what an entire Catholic community could do today.

Miraculously, this peasant girl from Domremy, France, some 42 miles from where St. Bernard composed his Memoraré prayer, got an audience with the king-in-waiting, known as the dauphin.

The future King Charles and his court were amused at the boldness of the unschooled peasant girl who managed to wrangle an audience at court. She was there to tell him that God told her to lead the French army to drive the English out of France and see the dauphin crowned king.

To mess with her, they put one of the dauphin’s pals on the throne to fool her into thinking he was Charles. Keep in mind, there were no photographs or television in those days, so a peasant girl from Domremy would have no idea what the Charles really looked like.

So Joan entered the court amidst a snickering throng of royal hangers-on. Remember, she was called to venerate Charles. So she walks up to who is being presented to her as Charles, and she stops.

She looks around the hall until she spots the real Charles, to whom she approaches and venerated to the astonishment of everyone.

Charles gave her a private audience, and she revealed a secret known only to Charles that confirmed the legitimacy of her visions.

The rest is history. She eventually led the French army against the English, most notably freeing Orleans from a protracted English occupation. She scored victory after victory for awhile, before eventually being captured and put on trial. King Charles VII, now crowned thanks to Joan, refused to pay a ransom which could have freed her.

The English and French Burgundians charged Joan with heresy and for being a witch. Her trial lasted four and a half months. She was convicted and burned at the stake.

A complete transcript exists of the trial revealing Joan’s grit and preternatural wisdom which so often outfoxed her interrogators. Here is an example. When asked,

“Joan, are you in a state of grace?”

She responded,

“If I be not in a state of grace, I pray God place me in it; if I be in it, I pray God keep me so.”

Twenty-five years after her death, the Pope absolved Joan of all charges in a posthumous retrial. She was formally canonized as a Catholic Saint in 1920 by Pope Benedict XV.

Joan’s wisdom

Here is a sampling of her wisdom from her trial:

        • All battles are first won or lost, in the mind.

  • Every man gives his life for what he believes. Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, nevertheless they give up their lives to that little or nothing. One life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it, and then it’s gone. But to surrender what you are, and live without belief – that’s more terrible than dying – more terrible than dying young.
  • It is better to be alone with God. His friendship will not fail me, nor His counsel, nor His love. In His strength, I will dare and dare and dare until I die.

Here’s what she said about her visions:

  • I saw them with my bodily eyes as clearly as I see you. And when they departed, I used to weep and wish they would take me with them.
  • I die for speaking the language of the angels.

       • The angels are as perfect in form as they are in spirit.

Here are quotes revealing the depth of her faith:

  • I place trust in God, my creator, in all things; I love Him with all my heart.
  • I fear nothing for God is with me!
  • About Jesus Christ and the Church, I simply know they’re just one thing, and we shouldn’t complicate the matter.
  • [Before being burned at the stake for her faith:] Hold the cross high so I may see it through the flames.

What a saint!


Movies on Joan

The Messenger 

  • 1999 action film starring Milla Jovovich, directed by Luc Besson. The film gets Joan’s motovations wrong.

Joan of Arc

  • 1948 film that gets the full Hollywood treatment, starring Ingrid Bergman, directed by Victor Fleming.

The Passion of Joan of Arc

      • 1928 silent film directed by Carl Dreyer and focuses only on Joan’s trial. It stars Marie                     Falconetti as Joan of Arc in what movie historians call the greatest screen performance in               history.


ABRAHAM LINCOLN?  “You have to be honest with the American people. Slavery is a personal issue. I am unapologetically pro-emancipation for the slaves. But we have to acknowledge that the courts have given the power to make this decision to the individual states.

And as much as I am pro-emancipation, I don’t want anyone being judged for being pro-slavery, and I don’t want them to judge me, because there are some things that are going wrong on the pro-emancipation side. The same on the pro-slavery side. 

When it comes to the federal law, it will take 60 senate votes, a majority of the house and the president to sign it. We’ve never had 60 senate votes. Ever. No Republican president can ban slavery anymore than the Democrat president can ban state laws. 

Let’s make sure that none of these laws put slave owners in jail or give them the death penalty for depriving black people of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and let’s focus on freeing as many slaves as we can and stop the judgment. We do not need to divide America over this anymore.”

Obviously, Lincoln didn’t say this. But these are the exact words used by a so-called pro-life president candidate earlier this year. I simply substituted  slavery for abortion.

THE PROBLEM: Abortion is not a states rights issue, it is a human rights issue. A person can’t be a human being in Iowa but only a clump of cells in Illinois whether you’re considering the issue through the prism of faith, science, or philosophy.

THE SOLUTION: The courage to speak the TRUTH always. That’s what Joan of Arc would tell us. Make the other side PROVE that the thing in the womb isn’t human despite scientific and theological evidence to the contrary. Leadership is needed, not retreat.

The Abortion Landscape

Knights of Columbus Marist Poll:

  • 66% of Americans support placing legal limits on abortion
  • 6 in 10 support limiting abortion to first trimester
  • 83% support pregnancy resource centers, centers that don’t provide abortions, centers with which Pulse is very much involved. We may have more news on that front in the near future.
  • 2 out of 3 believe healthcare professionals with religious objections to abortion should not be legally required to perform them.
  • 86% believe laws can protect both the mother and her unborn child.
  • 37% of Democrats believe abortion should be limited to first trimester at MOST; 22% of Dems believe it should be limited to cases of rape, incest, or the mother’s life … at MOST.


In order to inspire our local Catholic community, Pulse is hosting a musical event this Sunday, April 14th, with the theme of “Women of Worth.” It will feature a set of songs composed just for this event that honors the Blessed Mother, Ruth of the Old Testament, and especially Joan of Arc in a piece presented theatrically.

The price is $10 per person or $25 per family, and the performance takes place here in St. Francis church at 3PM. It’ll be followed by a wine/cheese/cookie reception.

Mark Twain’s book and Joan of Arc’s life inspired me to write a song about the Maiden of Orleans. The song grew into something much more. Hope you can come and hear it performed.

Joan of Arc said something interesting at her trial: 

“How else would God speak to me, if not through my imagination?”

C.S. Lewis said that “the imagination is the organ of meaning.”

St. Thomas Aquinas said it takes the power of the imagination to understand reality.

And that is why I have been writing music and plays for the past quarter of a century, and why Joan of Arc is so important to me.

Art is essential to helping us understand the meaning of life and its objective value.

We’re performing “The Story of Joan” theatrically. I think you’ll be entertained, and hopefully inspired. I framed my piece around three Psalms which I believe capture the essence of her story: 42, 22, and 116:

42: Like a deer that longs for running water, my soul longs for you my God.

22: My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?

116: I am greatly afflicted, precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His faithful ones.

I read on the Word on Fire website something that had quite an impact on me:

“Our art takes the raw materials of God’s creation and ‘makes them anew,’ casting them in new light. When our creations are aligned with truth and goodness, they become unique contributions to the ongoing creation of the world. Good art is, therefore, a vital aspect and symbol of man’s inherent dignity.”

… Dignity, I might add, bestowed on us at the moment of conception.

The Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe which converted the Aztecs has been replicated and travels the United States on an explicit mission to end abortion. It is carried into Churches and it is brought in front of abortion clinics nationwide.

The Missionary Image you see is one of four actual (4’X6’) replicas of the original Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. They were made from a digital image of the tilma in 1999 and the digital image was blessed by St. John Paul II, and by Monsignor Ponce, Rector of the Basilica of Guadalupe to bring conversions, reverence for life, respect for the sanctity of the family and solidarity of the Church in America.

The images have visited every state in the U.S. and traveled around the world. Many signs, wonders, conversions, healings, reconciliations and graces have been reported. Abortions have been prevented and many abortion centers have closed after visitations by the Miraculous Image. In Iowa, since the 2012 visitation of the Missionary Image, 20 of 26 Planned Parenthood centers have closed.  You are invited to touch this important sacramental and ask our Mother to pray for you and your intentions.

Mary’s Helping Hands

Bring diapers, nursery items, or clothing for 2 and under.

Joan’s final words to us:

“Courage! Do not fall back.”

Two babies declared Safe Haven babies in March

Apr 12, 2024 | Comments Off on Two babies declared Safe Haven babies in March
Iowa Safe Haven

(Des Moines, IA) – Through the Safe Haven Law, two infants, a baby girl, born March 17, and a baby boy, born March 20, are now in the care and custody of the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and will be placed with foster families until permanent placement is determined. This brings the overall total to 68 infants since the law went into effect more than two decades ago.

“I want parents to know that they have this safe and trusted option at such a critical time in their lives,” said Iowa HHS Director Kelly Garcia. “Accessing Safe Haven is assuredly not an easy decision, but this law exists to protect newborns and its success is evident by the number of families that have trusted in the Safe Haven Act. Our goal is to protect these newborns and provide them with the best permanent home possible.”

Iowa’s Safe Haven Act is as an option for parents in crisis to who determine they cannot care for an infant up to 90 days old. Designated locations like hospitals, police and fire stations, etc. HHS then works to place infants in in approved foster homes while awaiting permanent adoption. These are the only two cases so far in 2024. In 2023, ten infants were relinquished to HHS custody under the Safe Haven Act.

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent or adopting a child, visit to learn more about becoming an approved foster or adoptive family. For more information on Iowa’s Safe Haven, visit

Pulse reacts to Trump’s abortion statement

Apr 10, 2024 | Comments Off on Pulse reacts to Trump’s abortion statement
Trump's abortion statement

Here is Donald Trump’s abortion statement released Monday:

“Under my leadership, the Republican Party will always support the creation of strong, thriving and healthy American families. We want to make it easier for mothers and families to have babies, not harder. That includes supporting the availability of fertility treatments like IVF in every state in America.”

“Like the overwhelming majority of Americans, including the vast majority of Republicans, conservatives, Christians and pro-life Americans, I strongly support the availability of IVF for couples who are trying to have a precious baby. What could be more beautiful or better than that.”

“Today I’m pleased that the Alabama Legislature has acted very quickly and passed legislation that preserves the availability of IVF in Alabama. They really did a great and fast job.”

“The Republican Party should always be on the side of the miracle of life and the side of mothers, fathers, their beautiful babies, and that’s what we are. IVF is an important part of that, and our great Republican Party will always be with you in your quest for the ultimate joy in life.”

“Many people have asked me what my position is on abortion and abortion rights, especially since I was proudly the person responsible for the ending of something that all legal scholars, both sides, wanted and, in fact, demanded be ended: Roe v. Wade. They wanted it ended.”

“It must be remembered that the Democrats are the radical ones on this position because they support abortion up to and even beyond the ninth month. The concept of having an abortion in the later months, and even execution after birth — and that’s exactly what it is. The baby is born, the baby is executed after birth — is unacceptable, and almost everyone agrees with that.”

“My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint. The states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. In this case, the law of the state. Many states will be different. Many will have a different number of weeks or some will have more conservative than others, and that’s what they will be.”

“At the end of the day this is all about the will of the people. You must follow your heart, or in many cases your religion or your faith. Do what’s right for your family and do what’s right for yourself, do what’s for your children, do what’s right for our country, and vote. So important to vote.”

“At the end of the day it’s all about will of the people. That’s where we are right now, and that’s what we want. The will of the people.”

“I want to thank the six justices — Chief Justice John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett and Neil Gorsuch — incredible people, for having the courage to allow this long-term, hard-fought battle to finally end.”

“This 50 year battle over Roe v. Wade took it out of the federal hands and brought it into the hearts, minds and vote of the people in each state. It was really something. Now it’s up to the states to do the right thing.”

“Like Ronald Reagan, I am strongly in favor of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.”

“You must follow your heart on this issue, but remember, you must also win elections to restore our culture and in fact to have our country, which is currently and very sadly a nation in decline. Our nation needs help. It needs unity, it needs all of us to work closely together. Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, everyone. We have to work together. We have to bring our nation back from the brink, and that’s where it is. It’s at the brink. And we will. We will do it. I promise you, we will do it.”

“Always go by your heart, but we must win. We have to win. We are a failing nation, but we can be a failing nation no longer. We will make our nation great. We will make our nation greater than ever before. Thank you very much.”

Pulse Executive Director, Maggie DeWitte responded to Trump’s abortion statement:

Donald Trump made an announcement this week that was hard to listen to.  As a Catholic, I follow the teachings of the church that Invitro Fertilization (IVF) is not permissible.  (CCC 2270). The IVF process is fraught with ethical and moral issues that often result in the destruction of a living human embryo.  While I grieve with couples experiencing infertility, IVF is not something I would recommend for those wanting to start a family.

Many states will be different,” Trump added. “Many states will have a different number of weeks … at the end of the day it is all about the will of the people.” But life begins at fertilization. That is an undisputed fact and it should not matter whether you live in Iowa or New York.  This concept didn’t work for slavery and will not work for the issue of abortion.  This is an issue of right and wrong and killing innocent human life is always going to be wrong and cannot be supported in any way.  The federal government has an invested interest in protecting its preborn citizens.  This isn’t about the ‘will of the people’ to decide life and death; that is only for God to decide.

What is also troubling is the exceptions to Trump’s statement of life in that he believes in exceptions for rape, incest, life of the mother, and IVF.  Regardless of the circumstances of how that child was conceived, he or she is still a child and therefore deserves equal protection under the law.