Hijack #SheDecides right now!


Join the pro life cyber warfare movement!

Cyber warfare is being waged on Twitter today, Friday, March 1st.

Iowans for Life needs you to do something about it right now.

Abortion groups are flooding Twitter with the hashtag: #SheDecides. The campaign responds to President Trump’s executive order which reinstated the “Mexico City Policy.”

The Mexico City Policy prevents US tax dollars from going to international groups that perform human abortion. Pro abortionists characterize this pro life policy as the ‘global gag rule.’

The Mexico City Policy prevents the US from exporting human abortion

It’s not. It is a sane, moral, and totally just policy that saves human life. Big Abortion wants to use your tax dollars to pay for abortions in third world countries.

To counter Big Abortion’s cyber warfare, pro life cyber tactician, Bryan Kemper of Priests for Life, has engaged pro life groups throughout the country to hijack the hashtag with messages like these:

#SheDecides to choose life for her unborn child.

When #SheDecides on #abortion a mom puts her own life at risk as well.

#SheDecides to honor her child by choosing adoption.

When #SheDecides to choose life, anything is possible. #abortion is a dead end.

#SheDecides to speak out about the pain caused by her abortion.

When #SheDecidees to get an #abortion, she takes away the decision of another human person. One person’s decision should never result in the death of another person. #prolife #prolifegeneration

Go to Twitter right now

Post your own #SheDecides hashtags or use one of the examples above. Or repost our graphic that introduces this blogpost. Does this tactic really work? YES! Writing on a website called Dame, here is what a devoted pro abortion writer, Robin Marty, had to say about Bryan Kemper’s cyber tactics:

“Abortion opponents use the social media platform like a weapon, and with absolute precision—and they’re winning as a result. What are pro-choicers doing wrong?”

The headline of the article laments:

“The anti-abortion movement is killing it on Twitter.”

You can help. Join the pro life bandwagon. Hijack the #SheDecides hashtag today.


[You can help even more in meaningful ways. SHARE this blog. FOLLOW us on Facebook and Twitter. SUBSCRIBE to our blog. Working together, we can hijack Big Abortion and save young women at risk.]
