Fascist slurs are old hat
Kamala Harris has flipped on most of the issues to which she once gave full-throated support. The one exception is her unwavering support for unfettered, nationalized abortion without limits. So other than abortion, she isn’t left with much else on which to run other than the use of false fascist slurs against Donald Trump.
The tactic is old hat, as the Abortion Party trots out Hitler analogies just about every election cycle.
On CNN, Anderson Cooper asked Ms. Harris,
“Do you think Donald Trump is a fascist?”
To which she replied,
“Yes, I do. Yes, I do.”
Just a few days ago, also on CNN, Hillary Clinton said that:
“Trump is actually reenacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939.” [Which was a Nazi rally.]
A couple of years ago, President Biden smeared not just Trump, but everyone who votes for him with this fascist slur:
“It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the – I’m going to say something: It’s like semi-fascism.”
Earlier this election cycle, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was labeled a fascist by the Clinton administration’s former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich:
“Just wondering if ‘DeSantis’ is now officially a synonym for ‘fascist.’”
Looking back …
In 2012, Mitt Romney came into the crosshairs of the Abortion Party with more fascist slurs.
A delegate from Kansas, Pat Lehman averred:
“It’s like Hitler said: If you’re going to tell a lie, tell a big lie, and if you tell it often enough and say it in a loud enough voice, some people are going to believe you.”
To make sure they covered the entire ticket with fascist slurs, then chairman of the California Democratic Party, John Burton, compared Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Paul Ryan, to Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels:
“They lie and they don’t care if people think they lie … Joseph Goebbels — the big lie, you keep repeating it. That was Goebbels, the big lie.”
In 2008, feminist/activist writer Naomi Wolf predicted a fascist coup was coming whereby George W. Bush would cancel the election and remain in power:
“It is my argument that, beneath our very noses, George Bush and his administration are using time-tested tactics to close down an open society.”
She wrote a whole book about it called: “The End of America: Letter of warning to a young patriot.”
Said Wolf in an interview:
“There is not going to be an election, as usual, if he (Bush II) can declare on Oct. 3 that he’s going to engage in martial law if people don’t do what he wants. Why on Earth would he hand over the power to Barack Obama?”
Leftist comedian/actress Janeane Garofalo characterized the Bush administration as the “43rd Reich.”
Mega Democratic donor, billionaire George Soros said of President Bush,
“(He displays the) supremacist ideology of Nazi Germany.”
In the 1980s, Democratic Representative William Clay of Missouri slurred President Reagan, asserting that he was “trying to replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from Mein Kampf.”
You get the idea. False fascist slurs have been around for a long time. If we cited every example on the internet, the length of this blog would stretch from 600 words to 600,000.
What’s surprising this campaign is the frequency and fervor of the attacks. In light of the expansive history of false fascist slurs against Republican candidates, voters would be advised to take them with a grain of salt.