Latest Past Events

Iowa Prayer For Life – with Jason Jones & Megan Weber

First Church of the Open Bible 2200 Beaver Ave, Des Moines

You are invited to this free event on Tuesday, January 7th hosting Jason Jones and Meagan Weber. Don't miss this great opportunity to listen to two people who have changed many lives through the different and dynamic work they have done to bring awareness and love to both mother and child. Lunch will be provided.…


March for Life 2017

March for LIfe DC

The March for Life is an annual pro-life rally, held in Washington, D.C., around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The March for Life typically draws well over 500,000 attendees each year. Iowans for LIFE takes between 3 to 5 buses of students and chaperones to Washington D.C. to protest the killing of 1.3 million…


Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn

St. Matthew Catholic Church 2310 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids

1:00 Mass for Life 2:00 March for Life 2:30 Arrive at Planned Parenthood 3:00 March back to St. Matthew Parish 3:30 Reception and Chili  ***Those who want to join in but will not be able to march can drive the route and participate in the events. Please join us for a day of prayer for…