Mass for the Unborn

St. Anthony's Catholic Church 15 Indianola Rd, Des Moines, IA, United States

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Unborn. Take my hand, not my life. Please plan to join us in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where we will pray for all the unborn babies and for the mothers and fathers who are suffering from the tragic effects of abortion. We will pray for the…

40 Days for Life

LOCATIONS: Des Moines Planned Parenthood: 2304 University Ave. 50311 Ames Planned Parenthood: 2530 Chamberlain St. 50014 September 30, 9:00AM-10:00AM Planned Parenthood Susan Knapp 2304 University Ave. Des Moines October 1st, 4:00PM-5PM Planned Parenthood 2530 Chamberlain Street Ames October 10, 9:00AM-10:00PM Planned Parenthood Des Moines October 16, 10:30AM-11:30AM Planned Parenthood Ames October 22, 11:00AM-12:00PM Planned Parenthood Ames…

Christ Our Life Conference

Wells Fargo Arena 233 Center Street, Des Moines, IA, United States

Christ Our Life Catholic Conference is a non-profit conference being held at Wells Fargo Arena. It is a grassroots effort of faith springing up out of the heart of Iowa and blessed since its founding by Bishop Richard E. Pates and currently by Bishop William Joensen of the Catholic Diocese of Des Moines. Pulse has…

Cedar Rapids Life Chain

Making a public, prayerful stand for Life since 1973 Sign In. Pick up Signs. Prayer Rally Send-Off. St. Matthew Church parking lot at 2310 First Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids All participants are asked to Pre-register with Sue Martinek: 319-270-0054   • Please bring an item to donate to BirthRight/Bridgehaven

Marshalltown Iowa Life Chain

Center St at W Olive St 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Questions call: Mary Mauk  641-750-8412

Des Moines Life Chain 2024

Des Moines Fellowship Church 950 - 35th St, Des Moines, IA, United States

Join pro-lifers from Central Iowa for the thirty-fifth annual Life Chain on Sunday, October 6th from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. We will stand for all the lives that God has created and spend the time in prayer and praise.  Parking and signs will be available at Des Moines Fellowship Church, 950 - 35th St., Des Moines 50312. We will stand on the…

Carroll Life Chain

Hwy 30 at Main St, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Signs at Court House lot Questions: Dave Prenger  712-792-2940

Dubuque Iowa Life Chain

Bluff St at Dodge St (Hwy 20) 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Questions: 563-556-5960  

Dr. Haywood Robinson, former abortionist, to speak in Cedar Rapids

The African American Museum of Iowa 55 12th Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Dr. Haywood Robinson, former abortionist, now a 40 Days for Life speaker and authorwill speak on Tuesday, 10/8/2024 at 6:30pm at The African American Museum of Iowa 55 12th Avenue SE Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402

Christmas Gala

Iowa Events Center 730 3rd St, Des Moines, IA, United States

This has become THE event of the season. Start advent with the best Iowans around - pro-lifers. The gala is always inspiring and FUN. The evening will consist of a cash bar,  a Christmas auction, delicious dinner,  and a sensational Christmas show. Plan to wear a little Christmas bling, enjoy some fellowship, a great meal…