Bishop Joensen’s pro-life prayer at the Pulse Christmas Gala
By Bishop William Joensen
God of life whose love brings us into being, we keep a vigil of sorts this evening in this warm and festive place as night and cold and brightly shining stars surround us.
Months after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision marked an answer to so many prayers, to decades of bold witness and advocacy, and yes, engagement in the political order with those whose sights and priorities extend only to this world, we know that there is yet so much to strive for. And so we seek the grace to remain unflagging and faithful in our collaboration with you, Father forever, in advancing a Kingdom not made by human hands, where justice and mercy embrace just as a child is held in her or his mother’s and father’s arms.
We want to ensure that all who are lowly and most vulnerable find a ready welcome just as Jesus did in the womb of his mother Mary, to provide the way station for those who want to migrate from the womb to the world. He did not hesitate to become a child for our sake so that all daughters and sons of every age might fully become who you know them to be in your mysterious wisdom and dominion over all times and seasons.
Billions upon billions of human persons arise from the union of male and female, a truth that enlightens and forms our affirmation of the necessary link between sex and gender. You know the number of our days, and the moment when all history will be fulfilled and time will cease, which as St. Gregory of Nyssa reminds us, will be as long as it takes for you to create all the humans you intend.
With the pulse of our hearts quickened by the witness of the Sisters of Life, and drawn into sync with the cadence of music performed by inspired artists for whom we are profoundly grateful, we ask you to bless this gala evening and all that composes it: the food and those who have both prepared and bear it to us, the conversation and and savoring of unmediated presence which we will never take for granted again, and above all, the recounting of the mystery of Jesus, King of Kings and Word made flesh. He became like us so that we can accompany one another into the fullness of life who you are, +Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, where we will sing your praises, forever and ever. Amen.
[If you missed the Gala, you can still support our pro-life educational outreach with your online donation.]