ACLU sues Governor Reynolds for closing abortion clinics
On Friday, Governor Kim Reynolds banned surgical abortions until April 16th, explaining:
“The decisions that I have made have been made in the vane of really helping us strategically use our PPE (personal protective equipment) stockpile that we have. That has been an issue from the very beginning of this.”
The American Civil Liberties Union quickly filed a lawsuit today on behalf of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, Planned Parenthood Medical Director, Jill Meadows, and the Emma Goldman Clinic in Iowa City.
The suit calls for an immediate emergency injunction on the Governor’s order, claiming it violates the Iowa Constitution.
Planned Parenthood Executive Director, Erin Davison-Rippey, says that human abortion is…
“an essential, time-sensitive medical procedure. We are in a critical moment for our state when we must come together to fight the DOVID-19 pandemic, not politicize health care services that are constitutionally protected. Iowans are doing all they can to protect their families and communities during this pandemic and Planned Parenthood is focused on providing our patients with crucial services they need.”
Iowans for LIFE supports the Governor’s action, which preserves protective equipment and limited medical supplies for those at high risk from the Coronavirus. Dental and eye clinics have also been affected by the crisis, but haven’t filed lawsuits.
Governor spokesman, Pat Garrett, responded on behalf of the Governor:
“Governor Reynolds is focused on protecting Iowans from an unprecedented public health disaster, and she suspended all elective surgeries and procedures to preserve Iowa’s health care resources. As the governor has said over and over, Iowans are in this together. We will be working in consultation with the Attorney General’s Office to defend the actions she’s taken.”