Maggie DeWitte’s testimony in support of The Protect Life Amendment
My name is Maggie DeWitte and I am the Executive Director of Iowans for LIFE and the spokesman for the Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders. I am speaking to you this morning in support for HSB 41.
Thank you for bringing this amendment forward and so quickly in the session, which shows your true commitment to the protection of Iowans.
I believe the people of Iowa and NOT unelected judges of the State Supreme Court should decide how Iowa regulates abortion. These radical judges took the rights away from ALL Iowans and thereby preventing commonsense protections for women and children. What these judges did was even more extreme than Roe v. Wade. And Iowa isn’t alone in trying to pass an amendment to the constitution; four other states (Alabama, West Virginia, Tennessee, Rhode Island) have restored legislative authority. Iowa needs to follow the example of these states and put creating law back into your hands: our elected legislators.
This amendment will simply restore our state constitution back to what it was; it will not prohibit abortion, but rather allow our elected representatives and the people of Iowa to make decisions regarding the health, safety and well-being of its citizens. Because without the Protect Life Amendment, there is no protection for women and unborn children from abortion, abortion even up to the point of birth.
This is an amendment that should have bipartisan support; regardless of your party affiliation, no legislator would be in favor of the judicial branch taking away what we elected you to do- create law. It’s time to take back the rights of the legislature and the rights of ‘We the People,’ by passing this amendment. Thank you.
Well said!!! Judges judge cases involving laws on record, & do not set laws!!!
Totally agree! Well said Maggie
The unelected judges should not have the power to take our rights away from us ..Restore our state constitution in Iowa, We are in support of HSB 41 How Iowa regulates abortion should not be decided by the unelected judges.