What can you do to support life? PRAY at the 2019 Life Chain on October 6th.
Iowans for LIFE asks you to join us at the 2019 Life Chain from 2 to 3:30PM on Sunday, October 6th.
Prayer moves mountains. Prayer sustains this movement and changes hearts and minds through the mysterious grace and power of the Holy Spirit. And prayer unites Catholics and Protestants, men and women, and even friend and foe.
The LIFE CHAIN is your opportunity to make a beautiful witness to thousands of citizens of this important city that the dignity of human life matters so much, that you’re willing to publicly stand up and proclaim it.
YOU are needed. And YOUR friends are needed at this event, so reach out to them. If they’ve never attended and don’t know the ropes, offer to pick them and drive them.
Here are the details:
DATE: Sunday, October 6, 2019
TIME: 2 to 3:30PM (stay as long as you can, but don’t worry if you have to leave early)
PLACE: St. Teresa Catholic Church @ the corner of University of Merle Hay Rd. Park in the parking lot on the West side of the church, where you can also pick up a sign.
QUESTIONS: Call Iowans for LIFE at 515-255-4113.