Overwhelmed with your new baby?
Leave your child at one of Iowa's safe havens. No questions asked.
The Safe Haven Act is a law that allows parents - or another person who has the parent's authorization - to leave an infant up to 90 days old at a hospital, health care facility, a fire station, through a newborn safety device, or to an Adoption Service Provider without fear of prosecution for abandonment. A parent may also contact 911 and relinquish physical custody of an infant up to 90 days old to a first responder of the 911 call. More than 60 children have been declared safe havens since the Iowa law was enacted in 2002. All states have Safe Haven laws, although provisions differ.
Iowa now has two Safe Haven Baby boxes, which provides an easy and anonymous way for a parent to leave their baby in a safe haven. The Des Moines location is at MercyOne Hospital in Downtown Des Moines at 1111 6th Ave Des Moines. In Fort Dodge you can leave your baby in a Safe Haven Baby Box at the Fort Dodge Fire Department: 1515 Central Ave Fort Dodge, IA 50501. In any city you can call 911.

76th child saved by Safe Haven Law
The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services announced that two more babies were saved thanks to the Safe Haven Law. HHS Communications Director, Alex Murphy, sent out the following…
For Immediate Release
January 17, 2025 Baby Boy Declared Safe Haven in December (Des Moines, IA) – Through the Safe Haven Law, a baby boy, born December 3 is now in the care…