Our Lady of Guadalupe - Pray for us
Our Lady of Guadalupe is a powerful intercessor for life.
The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe which converted the Aztecs has been replicated and travels the United States on an explicit mission to end abortion. It is carried into Churches and it is brought in front of abortion clinics nationwide.
We are blessed to have one of four actual (4’X6’) replicas of the original Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Des Moines throughout October. These images were made from a digital image of the tilma in 1999 and the digital image was blessed by St. John Paul II, and by Monsignor Ponce, Rector of the Basilica of Guadalupe to bring conversions, reverence for life, respect for the sanctity of the family and solidarity of the Church in America.
The images have visited every state in the U.S. and traveled around the world. Many signs, wonders, conversions, healings, reconciliations and graces have been reported. Abortions have been prevented and many abortion centers have closed after visitations by the Miraculous Image. In Iowa, since the 2012 visitation of the Missionary Image, 18 of 26 Planned Parenthood centers have closed. You are invited to touch this important sacramental and ask our Mother to pray for you and your intentions.
See the schedule below on where you can see and venerate this blessed image.
- October 3 Iowans for Life Banquet, 6 - 9 pm, Prairie Meadows Ballroom
- October 4 St. Anthony, 8:30 am Children’s Mass. Also 7 pm Healing Mass
- October 5 St. Francis Prayer Vigil, 10-11am Planned Parenthood,
1000 E. Army Post Rd. - October 6 Life Chain, 2 - 3:30 pm, St. Theresa’s Church, Des Moines
- October 7 St. Catherine of Siena Church, 5:15 pm Mass with Rosary following
- October 9 St. Joseph’s Church, 8:30 am Mass thru 7:30 pm R.E.
- October 10 Pro-Life Rally and Prayer Vigil, 10 am - 12:30 pm
Iowa State Capitol Rotunda, 1st Floor
Followed by prayer at Iowa State Supreme Court
October 11 St. Theresa School Mass, 8:35 am Mass - October 12 Noon Rosary Crusade at St. Anthony’s Grotto,
Our Lady of the Americas, 6:30 pm Spanish Mass - October 13 St. Ambrose Cathedral, Mass with Bishop Joensen, 10:30 am
- October 15 Dowling Catholic High School, 8am - 8pm
- October 17 Christ the King, 8:30 am school Mass
- October 18 Christ the King, 5:30 pm Veneration , 6 pm Mass in Spanish
- October 19 Planned Parenthood, 1000 E. Army Post Road
40 Days for Life prayer vigil 10-11 am, at Christ the King,