The easy-to-hold 18" x 22" Life Chain signs are backprinted to feature Prayer Topics, Songs of Meditation, the Life Chain Code of Conduct, and a compelling statement on The Purpose of LIFE CHAIN.
LIFE CHAIN is a time for prayerful self-analysis, repentance, and serious commitment to helping end abortion in our nation. Accordingly, LIFE CHAIN is not chiefly a demonstration, and its witness is not intended for the viewing public only. Instead, its first goal is to minister to its own participants—to those who call Christ their Lord and hold pro-life messages that declare abortion a grave evil that defames the name and holiness of God (Leviticus 18:21). Indeed the Church that Christ founded has drifted into cold indifference toward the sacredness of human life, and the result has been the mindless surgical killing and mutilation of over 45 million preborn Americans, plus untold millions who have fallen victim to abortive chemicals and medical neglect.
In 2013, 1550 cities and towns held Life Chains (in 1890 locations), and each Chain is posted at In Des Moines, the event takes place at 35th & University Avenue in Des Moines.
Life chain is not sponsored by PULSE LIFE ADVOCATES, but we promote it and support it.