What is Sidewalk Advocacy?

The Vision

That peaceful, prayerful, loving, and law-abiding sidewalk outreach be present outside every abortion and abortion-referral facility in the U.S. and beyond, redirecting all to life-affirming alternatives, thereby ending abortion

The Mission

To train, equip, and support communities in sidewalk advocacy: to be the hands and feet of Christ, offering loving, life-affirming alternatives to all present at abortion and abortion-referral facilities, thereby eliminating demand and ending abortion

How is Pulse Involved?

Our executive director, Maggie DeWitte, is now certified to be a Sidewalk Advocate Trainer and will be conducting periodic training sessions. The next one is scheduled for August 3rd. Get the details HERE.

This approach has a proven track record and has saved countless babies across the country.

In addition, we are are organizing people to regularly pray outside the abortion mill in Ames Iowa at 2530 Chamberlain St, Ames, IA 50014. This is something tangible you can do to end the scourge of abortion. So many women don't really want to end their child's life but feel they have no options. Sidewalk Advocates are present to offer loving alternatives to these vulnerable women. And we pray.

Abortions are conducted at this facility on Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays. Please find a partner to go with you and sign up for this powerful mission on our calendar below. We want as much coverage as possible. Call Maggie at 515-255-4113 with any questions or email her at mdewitte@pulseforlife.org

We will put your group on the calendar. View the calendar to see when no one is praying. It is our goal to have as much coverage as possible. Abortions are perfomed on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Fridays. Click HERE to sign up.

Ames Planned Parenthood Hours

  • Monday: 12 pm - 8 pm
  • Tuesday: 8 am - 5 pm
  • Wednesday: 9 am - 5 pm
  • Thursday: 9 am - 5 pm
  • Friday: 9 am - 5 pm

Abortions are performed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays.

*This schedule changes often without advanced notice.  Please know that Prayer and Advocacy are needed at ALL times the Planned Parenthood clinic is open. *

Sidewalk Advocacy Signup Form

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This form will be connected to the Sidewalk Advocacy Google Calendar. Submission information will be sent to Maggie/Sarah/

Event Details

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MM slash DD slash YYYY
What day will you be there?
Start Time(Required)
What time will you be there?
End Time(Required)
What time will you be leaving?
*Reminder- Please sign-up with a prayer partner.


• I am not associated with Planned Parenthood or the abortion industry as a volunteer, employee, donor, or supporter. • I have not been convicted of a felony and am not currently pending trial for one. I have never been fined or convicted of a crime (misdemeanor or felony) involving my actions in or around an abortion facility. • I will be peaceful, prayerful, and law-abiding while volunteering. • I will show compassion and Christ’s love toward all abortion-vulnerable women and men, and toward all abortion facility employees and volunteers. • I will not threaten, assault, or verbally abuse anyone such as: abortion-vulnerable women or men, any abortion facility employee, volunteer or counter protester. • I will use only peaceful and help-oriented signs while volunteering on the sidewalk in front of the abortion facility. I will not publicly display images of abortion victims. • I will not post or stream any photos, videos, or identifying information of anyone at the abortion facility on social media. • I will not obstruct driveways, sidewalks, or the public right-of-way while volunteering. • I will not litter the public right-of-way or damage private property. • I will respectfully cooperate with the police and local authorities. • When providing assistance to clients, I will refer them to a pregnancy resource/help center that is accessible and provides accurate and quality resources. • I will commit to the time(s) I have signed up to pray and if I am not able to attend, I will find a substitute to replace me. • I will communicate with Pulse Life Advocates as to events, issues, and concerns regarding my scheduled time.


If you show up for your scheduled time and no one else is there, please return to your car. You should never sidewalk counsel alone. You can simply pray in your car during your scheduled time.